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SonicFox = Potential Greatest of All Time...And We Are Living In It

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Sonic Fox is awesome but let's not get carried away yet. I mean Justin Wong won Evolution 6 times for Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Take a look at the EVO wiki and see how often Daigo and Tokido pop up. There are some absolute legends with legacies that will be hard to match. No doubt he's had an amazing year though.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
We are., but as a Skype Illuminati member, blowing fools up for foolish opinions crosses friendship boundaries. GGA 16 Bit yells at Wound Cowboy every second night for downplaying Sinestro, yet these two fools are very good friends.

The point is, Sonic Fox is not the best fighting game player. In fact, he is not even the best Injustice player. Theo is, and Carl and REO are superior Mortal Kombat 9 players, according to results. So this thread is futile.
On what planet could Theo's Injustice resume be better than Sonic Fox's? I think you sir are being the fool now. And no where did I say Sonic fox is the best all time MK player. I think REO is, some people say PL, Fair enough. But I said he's the best NOW and if you look at his age he has the potential to be the best for a long time. It's quite possible that when REO, and everyone else comes back for MKX sonic fox might not win but it's also possible that he might. He has the POTENTIAL to, and that's what the thread is about and the title says.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
For the record, I know sonic fox, but I have never hung out with him or anything like that. I consider people like REO to be a friend and I hope he dominates MKX along with all the other people I consider friends. I'm just making an observation about whats going on and potential. We have someone in our communities who not only is consistently winning NRS games but other games by other developers as well. Shouldn't that be someone that we promote and talk great about?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
For the record, I know sonic fox, but I have never hung out with him or anything like that. I consider people like REO to be a friend and I hope he dominates MKX along with all the other people I consider friends. I'm just making an observation about whats going on and potential. We have someone in our communities who not only is consistently winning NRS games but other games by other developers as well. Shouldn't that be someone that we promote and talk great about?
Greatest all time is a serious thing to say

Tokido 15 Evo medals
Fox 1 Evo medal

Ways to go


Do not provoke a god
Uh let's not forget about carl and reo when we talk about dominance. Hell before ceo theo was going ham through IGAU tourneys like sonic fox, and before that jupiter was the most dominant force on the east coast from winning civil war & ect. Im not trying to take away from yung fox's accomplishments, but i dont think we can say this yet. (Keep in mind we still have plenty of young talent to challenge fox, as well as some great vets that will be worthy adversaries)


I think Sonic Fox is a true prodigy with serious potential to be the best at the games he plays (I already think he's the best Injustice player). The dude is insanely gifted. In terms of talent, we really could have a Chris G-esque player on our hands. Greatest fighting game player of all time is a bit of stretch, though I do think he'll be a terror to deal with in MKX.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Hopefully fox is smart and focuses on College degree/potential master degree as well as enjoying life

There's way too many people in the FGC and this community who don't have a future planned or thought out and never will. Focus on your future and prepare yourself properly for every option while not forgetting to also enjoy life

Fox is incredibly gifted, intelligent and just overall talented so hopefully he focuses on what matters and supplements his life w enjoyable hobbies to suffice his hunger

Be smart, follow those who did

Your future > FGC
Agreed. Honestly if he has a mind for code it would make him a VERY high market prospect for some companies to acquire in the game industry to have someone with his skill with a code based degree working with them to help implement combat system and design into their product. However, not every aspect of ones life has to revolve around games. I got a BA in Animation and was top of my school and spent around a year in the industry broke, and bouncing from place to place. Now I'm in industrial work and my career is skyrocketing and supports my gamer lifestyle (and personal projects). Do what will provide a future. Game when you can. Life is more enjoyable when your future is taken care of and protected.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
waiting for Evo 2015 results and MKX competition right there .... after that, let't see ..... ;)


The Best.
Hehe thanks guys! U guys are da bess <3
However on a more serious note to hit everyones points:
1: I can never be on Daigo or Tokidos level. They have been existing longer than me and to have 15 eve medals is like my entire life span. They are just too great!
That is in THEIR respective games. So me being compared to them, or them being compared to me is impossible. Can't compare players who play completely 2 different styles of fighters.
2: There are many people that can beat me in Injustice. But that doesn't mean I can't beat them. Look at 16 bit KDZ Jupiter Reo. They all beat me. Even other people like Captain Oxygen, PL, Darth Arma, Revolver etc all have the potential to beat me in tournament. Its just that for that one specific day in tournament, I have outplayed them. Its better to move on.
P.S: I have beaten Theo in tournament :p
3: Greatest fighter of all time is not my title lol. If I am the greatest of all time, then Id have to be playing EVERY single fighting game. The only greatest of all time will be the one hypothetical person that can destroy any of us in any fighting game we choose from, maybe even FREE at it. But for now, such hypothetical person has yet to exist, therefore no "GFOAT" doesn't exist.
Can I be titled an "Amazing Fighting game player" Sure knock yourself out.
Not the greatest or potential greatest I am afraid (although that would be fun!)
And Finally: Some Insightful Advice or Tip from the Fox
1: From my own perspective, no body has a right to downplay a player for anything. There will always be a player greater than you. Talking shit for hype or being competitive is all fine and all, but when you are actually sitting there calling somebody bad or will never be good is outright ridiculous and somebody will eventually put you in your place. Hence I only talk shit to my friends :p.
2: Although jamesMK doesn't believe that there can be a leader of a community, I think there can. And although I am not, I think I show a perfect example of one. We are a fighting game community, so first:
Discussing controversial topics is something nobody should engage in. This community let alone isn't something capable of doing that.
Understand who you are and what power you hold. People can be swayed by leaders opinions especially on gaming sites. It happens all the time.
Whats the Solution?
Do what I do!
Just play the game, enjoy it, meet some friends, have fun, and enjoy what you have in this community while its still there! Understand that people get salty and don't let it get to you or you will make enemies. I taunt a lot mid game because I troll like that, but it doesn't mean you can just then turn to the other player and say they suck. If they understand its just a game, they won't get salty to the point they are saying "you aren't good."
And thats my little rant I haven't had in like 5 years lol.
P.S: My talent is only the fox senses :D