It's funny how people constantly talk about "No fighting game has X" but have actually never taken the time to investigate that claim.
I see this constantly and it always gives me a little chuckle

Almost inevitably when someone says "X should never happen in a fighting game" it's already in multiple other well-known fighting games.
Like hey, folks, fg mechanics are broader than you think. Maybe it's time to open our minds a bit instead of the tired "a fighting game can only be one way" mentality.
I usually dont reply to these kinds of posts anymore but since you want an answer here it is (cause i know that was going for me you have done it before, but i didnt bother to answer then).
First of all, its not on multiple games, its on two games which are pretty much the same game style (GG and BB).
And before you answer, yeah i know that BB and GG are competitive af.
You dont get punished with a full combo which can take away your almost half of your life, like in MK11. And i am saying again from a BURST.
There are ways to get past the burst mechanic in those games if you perform burst safe combos. And even then you can bait burst and punish or continue your pressure afterwards irrc.
Majority of the cast in MK11 do not have unbreakable combos which deal a good amount of damage.
Also it would be wise not to compare MK with the likes of GG and BB cause the latter are far more aggressive that MK11. That mechanic belongs there simply because of that reason.
In MK11, you can get punished by even using strings during combos if opponent breaks away (not even talking about specials as well cause thats taken for granted).
The meter management mechanics and the fatal blow mechanic, make it so that combos are pretty much irrelevant to some extend, simply because if you turtle your opponent you regen your meter or if you are low on life and have fb.
Name me another COMPETITIVE fighting game which gives meter and super moves for free.
And before you say why did i bring the meter management and fatal blow mechanic up, its because these two are the other part of the problem. These mechanics are the root of the same issue.
I really like MK11 in general and i continue to play the game and support my scene but that doesnt change the fact that it has issues that should be addressed. Even the best and most recognized player of our community says it (and i really think thats he is not the only one).
My suggestions would be:
Make FB dissapear on whiff or block (OR increase the cd if it is blocked or whiffed to 20 seconds, since i dont feel they will change that so late in the game's lifespan).
Meter should regenerate slower (since they wont change the way its earned thats for sure now).
Make break away put both opponents on neutral (pretty much like the breaker mechanic i know).