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Question So who's maining The Purple Ninja Rain for sure?


Sinestro's might!
Judging from the video, Rain has to have proper positioning for most of his moves to land it appears. I don't really see him as a heavy rushdown character, he has a lot of mix ups but his moves all seem to have some range to them. Rushdown characters are like Johnny Cage where they pressure you with heavy combos that keep you close. I don't see that in Rain at all.

In fact, I'd like to see how Rain does against rushdown pressure. If his teleport gets him out of jail.

Definitely going to try Rain out but not maining him or anything.
I think the trailer briefly showed a water projectile. That works like reptile ex spit. This would make it anti air. Which would really help against rushdown who like to jip.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Wish they gave Rain some actually creative fatalities. They're just Reptile and Quan Chi rip offs, but oh well, what can ya do. I'm not a huge fan of fatalities to begin with, but Rain should've gotten something unique like Kenshi was given.

Then again, Mileena and Shang Tsung nearly had the same fatality in MK2; Mileena kissed the victim which caused them to implode while Shang went into them and caused them to implode. I always felt UMK3 had some pretty good ones though, I certainly liked the ones Reptile had. Rain's uppercut one was awesome, too.


Cowboy from Hell
I'll definetly be maining him, I was hoping he was going to be in the game when it launched but it was rumoured he would be DLC I'm so glad he made it onto the game I just hope a lot of people jump ship to the mystery 4th DLC character so I can get more match up knowledge than Rain vs Rain lol.

I play Ermac at the moment but I have tried quite a few characters and I used to love playing Rain in the older games so I'm 100% going to stay with him after hes launched.


Weather Man
People are going to have at least 8 or 9 different mains depending on how many DLCs are released lol...Seems like so far everyone says a DLC will be there main before they get to play them. Dont get me wrong im pretty excited about rain coming and will spend some serious time in the lab with him. Some people said skarlet was there main, and the same people said kenshi, and wouldnt doubt it if some of the same are saying rain lol. At least these people will have good matchup experience against the DLCs.


Sinestro's might!
People are going to have at least 8 or 9 different mains depending on how many DLCs are released lol...Seems like so far everyone says a DLC will be there main before they get to play them. Dont get me wrong im pretty excited about rain coming and will spend some serious time in the lab with him. Some people said skarlet was there main, and the same people said kenshi, and wouldnt doubt it if some of the same are saying rain lol. At least these people will have good matchup experience against the DLCs.
I actually did not get that hyped for Skarlet. I thought "its nice that shes in" for Kenshi i thought "Its nice that he in, but the skarlet trailer confirmed rain and I really liked rain so I will check Kenshi out but Rain is my guy".

Rain better deliver. If he don't deliver, then I may stick to Noob as my secondary guy. Sub Zero as my main is however non negotiable.


lmao at there being MK Hipsters. "I mained Rain even before MK9"
Everyone will main Rain for a week tops, then they'll either get sick of 60% of people online not having the compatibility pack, or they'll just straight up drop him and go back to their old mains. Just based on the compatibility pack issues alone, no online only players will be able to actually main him at all.

He'll just be another addition to my repertoire.
What's the deal with people not downloading the compatibility pack? I don't see any justification for not getting free costumes along with character data. I'll try my best to main him, and will try to get to fight people online but if people are really this dumb, then NRS needs to make it required.


People are going to have at least 8 or 9 different mains depending on how many DLCs are released lol...Seems like so far everyone says a DLC will be there main before they get to play them. Dont get me wrong im pretty excited about rain coming and will spend some serious time in the lab with him. Some people said skarlet was there main, and the same people said kenshi, and wouldnt doubt it if some of the same are saying rain lol. At least these people will have good matchup experience against the DLCs.
it seems like everyone mains the same characters to me. ermac, sub-zero, smoke, rain, and scorpion. does anyone not "main" a ninja?


A prop on the stage of life.
it seems like everyone mains the same characters to me. ermac, sub-zero, smoke, rain, and scorpion. does anyone not "main" a ninja?
29/30 characters in the game. 7 of them are ninjas. I'll use rain and buy him just because I want the choice to use him. Whether or not I'll be able to use him is another story.


too smart to play MKX
You know, he's Rain. EVERYONE is going to main this guy. The better question to ask is "how many people who 'main' Rain will still be embarrassing themselves after X days/weeks of playing him?"

But there's no way to really measure that. And considering who I run into online, you cannot convince me that the vast majority of people who play this game are capable of experiencing shame anyway. So it's all null and void.

[sigh]I wish there were tournaments near me.[/sigh]

it seems like everyone mains the same characters to me. ermac, sub-zero, smoke, rain, and scorpion. does anyone not "main" a ninja?
Ermac isn't even a ninja. He wore the ninja costume in the older games because back then this franchise had a budget of zero dollars.


Ready for Freddy
You know, he's Rain. EVERYONE is going to main this guy. The better question to ask is "how many people who 'main' Rain will still be embarrassing themselves after X days/weeks of playing him?"

But there's no way to really measure that. And considering who I run into online, you cannot convince me that the vast majority of people who play this game are capable of experiencing shame anyway. So it's all null and void.


Brain Dead Bro
I'll be the buzz kill and say probably not but I'll definitely learn him. Trailer looks great but that's what they're for. We have no idea what kind of mix ups he'll have...sure the special moves look cool....when they're hitting but what happens when they're blocked? lol Just saying we haven't played with him yet, all we've seen is his trailer. But I understand those who have liked him for years. It should be exciting to see what he's like and who knows maybe he'll turn out to be the best character in the game. I'm just looking forward to it.

CD jr

I'm maining rain.rain,smoke,and jax are the only characters that I will use in this game.I really want Tanya or frost to be released.the only female that I like in this game so far is impossible to use at high level because negative edge kills her(sonya).


It is.

Everyone always so serious.

No not everyone, in fact its really only the negative troll CrashLand. He just loves negativity in fact he even stated:

TestYourMight.com -- the ultimate source for the gayest tactics in Mortal Kombat, originally quoted by CrashLand
Strangely he still remains on the site making everyone elses life miserable.


I will love to main Rain, however I also love Kenshi, but have had a hard time mastering him in actual human online play because of that darn compatibility pack that seems to be so elusively free.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@ chess, there's plenty of people who don't use the ninjas. The Kung Lao and Raiden players lol

Anywho, that bio trailer is sick. I didn't even notice he had his MKA water blast move again initially, he looks loaded.