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So ... what do you do?

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
About to graduate soon...just need to catch up on 1 failed course and I have to take a class to get my pre-requisite for College.(I'm a failure, I know)

Besides my school life: Internet , VGs and Circlejerking with friends.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
What do I do? Well, it kind of depends on what mood I'm in. I have worked in...
  • Fast food, making burgers.
  • A lumber yard, filling orders.
  • A grocery store, stocking shelves.
  • A finger-joint mill, making vertical-use-only stud.
  • Tree planting.
  • A particle accelerator, sitting beside a phone "just in case".
  • A university as a "teacher assistant" and lab assistant.
  • Construction, cleaning concrete molds.
  • A field, picking raspberries.
  • A wood shop, building roof trusses.
  • A warehouse, filling orders for a grocery store.
  • A microchip fab as a "process engineer".
  • A warehouse, filling orders... again.
  • A wood shop, building teak decks for yachts.
  • A juice manufacturing company, controlling their evaporator.
  • A teacher, teaching science and math.
  • A teacher, at a different school, teaching physics, science and math.
I think I'm missing 1 or 2 things.


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
I work for Amazon, and I walk nonstop around the warehouse finding the stuff you buy online. The warehouse I work at also happens to be the largest of their distribution centers in the world. Oddly enough I haven't seen one copy of Injustice at my location.
man i also worked there, biggest store in europe, please tell me the job sucks as much there as here?


Do you work at the NSA?
No, but I work in a club that just so happens to have some coinciding goals.

Zoidberg747 said:
Or you are creating drones to attack citizens


(Sarcasm flag)
A lot of drones, at least the ones I have worked with, have loud motors. So that doesn't seem possible currently.

I know you were being sarcastic, I just wanted to address that.


Well-Known Member
Mechanical Engineering student. Want to go into testing or research as a career. Currently just interning at a manufacturing company, helping their engineers with day to day stuff.

I'm surprised how many engineers there are among us. Cool stuff.


Aerospace Engineering student, looking to go into research while in school. Leaning towards rocketry as my focus but I haven't ruled any other aerospace paths just yet.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Because I was like 20 pounds overweight. I tries the navy and they army. I am a high school drop out (got my GED) and took the asvab test and did amazing one of the highest in my county (that's what they told me anyway) but because I was a little over weight it was a no go. And also I am a lot over weight now. Really though I am a pacifist and would not like being in the military much. Hate violence and abhor war. I know I can do things that don't require direct combat but I would still be facilitating it. Back then I just wanted out of my town.
Its understandable dude, tell you the truth, I was like you about the military thinking I wouldn't make it nor like and I loved my time in. Got to od some cool stuff and never had to shoot anyone. Sorry they denied you for that they have gotten even stricter on the weight requirments today. My wife was literally like a few pounds over and they kept trying give her the boot for it. I had to leave on medical separation due to diabetes, but fuck it I make more now than I did in the Navy

Mr. Mileena

I'm a Biology Major, hoping to graduate with my Bachelor's Fall of 2014.
Aspiring to go to medical school to obtain an M.D, then do residency for three years to finally and hopefully become a Psychiatrist, specifically focusing on war veterans and their troubles (depression, shock, post trauma, etc)

I also work the street corners downtown Saturdays 11pm-5am