first time posting in test your might, i found an option select with Jason on knock down. if you input 3-ex hack n slash-choke os(down forward 1 down down block) you get a three way option select. if they wake up, 3- hack and slash beats it. if they don't, 32 comes out instead which is 0 on block(if the in game frame data is right). if they block you are positive by one frame (because it takes a frame to leave block) allowing you to continue pressure and mix up other slow characters. if they get hit by the 32 then choke comes out( allowing you to not worry about hit confirming). I'm not sure if back dash will beat this, but i know that this works on some of the quickest wake-ups( the best I've tested on is sub-zeros slide)
another little thing about jason anti-wake up:
after certain knock-downs(non ex hack n slash, 112, and shoulder charge) against characters with wakes-ups 15 frames or more (millennia, erron black, and so on) jason can get a safe jump thats neutral on block. after 112 for example, if you jump forward right away after it hits with jumping 1, then the jumping 1 will hit the wake-up(using up the armor) but jason can still block. this allows him to basically vortex these select character. a low starter combo in to 112 can get you around 33% and puts the enemy into this situation, justifying the small decrease in damage.
after they block a jump 1 they basically have 5 options, block low, block high, tech grab, back dash, and reversal. against most characters, most of jason's high and low options beat back dash. and if you suspect they will try to reversal do down 3 into ex hack n slash, its safe on block, beats out any counter grab attempt and ducks under high attacks, as well as beats most reversals.
in the corner this is much scarier, as the low and high options both now lead to high damage
after non ex hack n slash, you have to jump over them to get the same effect, but it works exactly the same
after a shoulder charge mid screen, the timing is a lot stricter and you have to run a little before forward jumping. the only benefit of doing the shoulder charge is that I've gotten it to work against faster wake-ups such as subs slide, but the timing is tight and a little inconsistent. if your enemy rolls after a shoulder charge just keep running and apply the os from above or (if you are sure that they will wake up) do down 4 at its max range into ex hack n slash(it beats out most wake ups, even forward moving ones and the hack n slash doesn't come out on whiff)
the main weakness of all this tech is that it loses to delayed wake up. for the os tech, the moment you see the 2 of 32 whiff, either mash back dash or ex hack n slash, either way you will punish or be safe(most of the time). for the safe jump, you will still be able to block if the jump one whiffs, and you will still be basically in the same spot.