The opinions from all players in the community are important, and necessary for this conversation to be driven to its fullest. Both arguing and hype generate enthusiasm as long they lead to work towards filling holes and creating an advantage for Skarlet. It is important to be honest about where she stands and why, as long as its in service to improving that standing.
I believe that the discussion is valid, and that everyone is correct about where she stands, from their own vantage point.
Ninj is confident she will dethrone Kabal, please share anything that the rest of us can learn so we can be at that level too.
m2dave feels that she hasn't shown she can do that at a high level, and that their tools were equal until the nerf, what do you think she would need to bring it back to even? Or is it flat out 6-4 Kabal, Skarlet can't do anything about that.
Either way, the point of the discussion isn't to come to an agreement, and we certainly aren't going to change each other's minds in a forum. The point is to pool information that could help tilt the scale in Skarlet's favor.