I hit it in training all the time, but I am not sure how it often the situation to use that particular combo will present itself in a real match. You still have to allow the opponent to get in and risk guessing incorrectly to use the tech. Having said that, someone with impeccable defense using this tech would indeed be very scary. The combo is practical, having the resources to do it? IDK. Perhaps Sinestro players should just try and turtle it out once he has trait. Do you sit on the 2 trait shots and wait to use the tech or do you use trait to apply pressure / stay safe? There's still a lot to get fleshed out. The tech is very strong. This cannot be denied.push block into 4 dash 4 B3 is pretty impractical, i mean im a little rusty but I still cant see this shit happening very often
This is Wound's tech. He's the best Sinestro. Let's read what he has found regarding the tech.