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Strategy Sindel ~ General Strategies/INFO/Questions


i know duck+d1 scream/hw is the go to punish but for some reason d1 for me whiffs, maybe its my late reaction. lol
but as far as doing 1 dash 111 special i havent attempted that...it may work.

but i was trying to get a vid up of it bt every time i set the record feature and then watch it back it doesnt it capture it....just a bunch of weird inputs during playback. lol.

If you want I can record it the next time we play alongside our other stuff :).


Levi Cancel Sorcery
If you want I can record it the next time we play alongside our other stuff :).
that could work. so i can see how well it works online since i only attempted it in the training mode.

i need to practice it just a bit more to get my reaction time down because its a really tight window. lol. but yes this can be on the adventure along with the tag matches we should do...lol.


Dojo Trainee
Nice guide thanks, but what does ":en" means ???
"EN" means "enhanced", as in using a portion of your meter bar to enhance the special move and give it additional properties (such as higher damage, armor, extra hits, etc.) that the regular version of the move lacks. many here use the abbreviation "EX" (the street fighter way of abbreviating it) but i don't like street fighter. so i use "EN".


You inspire no fear.
What's everyone doing for corner setups on a standing opponent after Yell/Scream?

I've just been doing the 3,1,1, Lev, Fireball to stand them up and then whatever. Anything else/better she has?


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
There's not enough MK3 characters in this game. If Sindel makes it, Kitana is getting dropped like a bad habit lol.
and rightly so, i wouldnt even care about Online issues if they add my girl Sindel
My getto Ninja Smoke, My sorcerer Shang Tsung, and my favorite burn victim Kabal. cant forget my upholder of police brutality Stryker!

i know he sucked on the last game, but they could make Stryker have, Stun gun restands, Stungrenades somewhat different from Sonya Demo's but cooler, no reload!
one variation for extra movelist mixups(I.E. 50/50's with nightstick)

maybehis grenades could pull them twords him, for juggles, instead of the zoner method.