The reason why there was no trolling or BS on sp00ky's stream was because he only allowed twitch subscribers to chat. So with your idea, I'd have to pay $5 to subscribe and then another dollar just to watch and chat with my friends. That's $6 for a $1 idea already.....
I do feel that streamers should be compensated in some way for their equipment use, travel and munchy expenses, etc. but paying to watch? Not so much. Paying to chat or other extras most definitely. I mean, we live in an age where people get butthurt over having to pay AT ALL for music, games, movies, et al (who are also generally the first to bitch about quality natch

) so even asking for $1 is asking a lot. Also too, you can talk down to people that don't have credit cards or paypal all you want, but the reality is, not everyone does. Another thing to consider on this is that not everyone will want to go through the effort of obtaining these payment methods for a $1 payment; especially when not that long ago, everything was free.