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Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #1 Superman 64

Which game was worse?

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Superman (N64)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Shittiest game of all time - #2 Catfight (PC) VS #1 Superman (N64)

Catfight shouldnt even count its so bad. Supe's 64 was a mainstream game that was promoted fairly decently at that time and was a royal flaming turd of disgusting ugly, horrible terrible shitty badness.


Forum General Emeritus

3. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari 2600)

Oh those lovely Atari games. This game was the prehistoric version of Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. Some of the secrets in this game are so cryptic that you will never figure them out. This game required the use of TWO controllers in order to play it. Also, due to the pixelated graphics, it's nearly impossible to tell what the hell you are looking at. Just watch the video to see what I mean. I'd rather play North and South on the NES than this piece of shit.


1. Superman (N64)

This game is so shitty I automatically advanced it two rounds, lol. How shitty is it you ask? Well for one, it's easily the worst N64 game ever created. What makes it so bad? The gameplay. You fly through rings, rings, rings, more, rings, and did I mention you fly through rings? It's like an eternal Star Fox practice mode. On the off chance you manage to beat the ring mode, you have an impossible to beat the first time challenge in 6 seconds. If you fail... back to the rings again. Why the fuck does there need to be so much emphasis on the damn rings? Not to mention, where is the Superman theme?! It's all generic crappy music. The graphics are N64-esque. Lots of polygons, but piss poor textures and anti-aliasing. I will give away a free copy of MK9 to anyone who plays through this game, records themselves, and beats it without failing a single mission even once. Assuming you have the patience, I feel confident in saying I have nothing to worry about.


Forum General Emeritus
To nobody's surprise, Superman 64 has been crowned the shittiest game of all time. Thanks to everyone who participated in the voting.


R.I.P. Dj Screw
DCIguy said:
4. Shaq-Fu (SNES)

This game could challenge Catfight for worst fighting game of all time. Easily ranks up there without question. A horrid choice of characters, uninspired graphics, stiff controls, horrible hit detection, and STOLEN MOVES. Chun Li's lightning kick was blatently ripped from SF for this piece of crap. It's laughable how an athlete will put their name on anything just to make a quick buck.
Shaq-Fu to me wasnt that bad. I had worst than that....And I liked the SNES Music of Shaq Fu and the Gameplay on Genesis (Due to more Charaterz).


Forum General Emeritus
Dragon's Lair was in the tourney, but it was knocked out in the first round.


EFL Founder
DCIguy said:
Dragon's Lair was in the tourney, but it was knocked out in the first round.
Oh I didn't even see it. I can't believe it got knocked out so early, it must have been one of the really shitty ones to beat it. (ET or something)