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Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #1 Superman 64

Which game was worse?

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Superman (N64)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mr. Sexy Pants
Shittiest game of all time - #4 Bebe's Kids VS #5 Total Recall

bebe's kids.. i might actually enjoy total recall


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #4 Bebe's Kids VS #5 Total Recall

Bebe's Kids moves on...

Worst game of all time

Today's Matchup:

3. Waterworld (Virtual Boy)

Skip ahead to 12:30 of this video to see the review of the game.

Water World and Virtual Boy could be considered a match made in heaven (or hell.) The Virtual Boy's game library could only produce games in the colors red and black. When you think of Water World, you think of ANYTHING but red. Combine this with pisspoor gameplay and you have a recipe of garbage. This is the equivalent of Bebe's Kids coming to 3D. It is easily the worst game to ever be released on arguably the worst video game console of all time.


6. Friday the 13th (NES)

This piece of shit gave me nightmares as a child. Not because of Jason, but because of how god awful the game itself was. Where do we begin to analyze this mesterpiece? The map screen is confusing as hell, the music repeats the same 3 second loop over and over again, the weapons are underpowered, and the difficulty is ramped up way too high. If I ever run into this game again, I will take a machete to it just like Jason did his victims.


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Waterworld VS #6 Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th advances...

Today's Matchup:

2. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing (PC)

Just watch the video. Enough said.


7. Stalin VS Martians (PC)

The gameplay actually isn't that bad; but the concept is just a piece of crap. Think about it. Communist Russians fighting against aliens in a Command and Conquer clone...


EFL Founder
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Waterworld VS #6 Friday the 13th

Big Rigs is the winner by a landslide. Absolutely no effort put into the production of that game whatsoever.


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #4 Color a Dinosaur VS #5 Wayne's World

Big Rigs wins in a laugher. For the sake of time and shear obviousness, I have automatically advanced the remaining 1 and 2 seeds into the next round.

Today's Matchup:

4. Color a Dinosaur (NES)

The title of this game says it all. Imagine an NES version of Mario Paint, only take away all the animation and sound. Now take away all the games, options, basic color schemes, and fun. That's Color a Dinosaur. You get a choice of 16 dinosaurs to color, all of which are sterotypically cookie cutter cute. Granted the game is for 3-6 year olds, but it still sucks monkey balls. One of the worst NES games of all time.


5. Wayne's World (NES)

Dear god, save me from this mindless drivel. The music is a 2 second repeating loop, the gameplay is nothing compared to the what is in the original movie. Garth uses a laser gun (WTF) and Wayne can only do these stupid kicks that barely hit anything 2 inches in front of his face. Watch the video if you must, but be warned...


Shittiest game of all time - #4 Color a Dinosaur VS #5 Wayne's World

I've nerver even seen that title before lol...

And I've played a lot of weird titles on the NES.

But, that dinosaur is not even a game.. ???


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #6. Super Pitfall

As expected Color a Doucheasaur moves on... NEXT

Today's Matchup:

3. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari 2600)

Oh those lovely Atari games. This game was the prehistoric version of Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. Some of the secrets in this game are so cryptic that you will never figure them out. This game required the use of TWO controllers in order to play it. Also, due to the pixelated graphics, it's nearly impossible to tell what the hell you are looking at. Just watch the video to see what I mean. I'd rather play North and South on the NES than this piece of shit.


6. Super Pitfall (NES)

This is one of the most glitchy games on the NES... and there were a few of them to be sure. The game had god-awful graphics, repetitive music, monotonous gameplay, no directions or clues to tell you where to go and what to do, and it was just downright fucking glitched. How so? The items don't even appear until you walk past them and nearly scroll off screen. You have no idea what they are used for and... dammit I hate this game.


EFL Founder
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #6. Super Pitfall

Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the most unplayable things I've ever seen. Super Pitfall, while it seems extremely frustrating, has at least some entertaining value in how ridiculous it is.


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #2 Catfight (PC) VS #3. Back to the Future (NES)

Today's Matchup:

2. Catfight (PC)

Here is arguably the worst PC game ever made. EVER. This is a Mortal Kombat clone with nothing but women fighters. The graphics are laughably bad, the animation is piss poor, and the bitches are ugly as hell. You want a good laugh? Watch this video... lmao


3. Back to the Future (NES)

Another shitty game ported from a movie. The music is a repetitive loop, the gameplay is NOTHING like the movie, the characters look nothing like the actual people, and the mini-games are damn near impossible. Check this out in the video above... or rather don't...


Shittiest game of all time - #2 Catfight (PC) VS #3. Back to the Future (NES)

^ you weren't kidding lol.

You can't help but ask yourself what the hell is going on at times in Catfight.

+1 worst game of the day lol.


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Shittiest game of all time - #2 Catfight (PC) VS #3. Back to the Future (NES)

I made this video a few months ago. I actually thoght this game was cool when I first got it many years ago. Now, not so much. I still love it for the nostalgia it creates for me as I am a HUGE BTTF fan....



EFL Founder
Shittiest game of all time - #2 Catfight (PC) VS #3. Back to the Future (NES)

They're both pretty bad. Cat fight makes Tattoo Assassins look pleasant.

edit: BTW, that Wayne's World music KICKS ASS. lmao


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #1 Action 52 (NES) VS #4 Shaq-Fu (SNES)

Today's Matchup:

1. Action 52 (NES)

Angry Video Game Nerd: Action 52 - ScrewAttack

Here it is - The glitchiest game ever made on any console. Easily one of the worst games of all time, if not the worst. This game sucked so hard for so many reasons. Unlike other NES games, this is a compilation of multiple (52) games. For this reason alone, the MSRP was $199. Let me say that again. This game retailed for ONE HUNDRED NINETY NINE DOLLARS. Some of the games crashed for no reason, had horrendous controls, glitched graphics, stolen music, spelling errors, they were un-winnable, and flat out sucked donkey dick (well, ok , all of them did.)

It seriously looks like the game was thrown together in 52 minutes. If you are even remotely intrigued to play this game or download the ROM, be forewarned and stay the FUCK away. (But do watch the video for 30 minutes of laughs.)


4. Shaq-Fu (SNES)

This game could challenge Catfight for worst fighting game of all time. Easily ranks up there without question. A horrid choice of characters, uninspired graphics, stiff controls, horrible hit detection, and STOLEN MOVES. Chun Li's lightning kick was blatently ripped from SF for this piece of crap. It's laughable how an athlete will put their name on anything just to make a quick buck.


Shittiest game of all time - #1 Action 52 (NES) VS #4 Shaq-Fu (SNES)

I had a friend back then who's dad went on business trips to china ona regular basis and he used to bring back games for NES and Gameboy. I've seen some shady cartridges with dozens of games for the NES and they all sucked lol. Well most of them anyway.


EFL Founder
Shittiest game of all time - #1 Action 52 (NES) VS #4 Shaq-Fu (SNES)

Depending on how bad Shaq Fu's controls really were, it still can't be as bad as just the CONCEPT of developers selling 52 shit-taculars for $200. Just obscene wallet rape for absolute garbage.


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #1 Action 52 (NES) VS #4 Shaq-Fu (SNES)

As expected, the motherlode of shit (Action 52) advances...

Today's Matchup:

3. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari 2600)

Oh those lovely Atari games. This game was the prehistoric version of Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. Some of the secrets in this game are so cryptic that you will never figure them out. This game required the use of TWO controllers in order to play it. Also, due to the pixelated graphics, it's nearly impossible to tell what the hell you are looking at. Just watch the video to see what I mean. I'd rather play North and South on the NES than this piece of shit.


2. Ghostbusters (NES)

Oh boy, this one really pissed me off. I share the Nerd's sentiments exactly. Ghostbusters was one of my favorite movies while growing up. When the game came to the NES, I was ecstatic. Hours later, I was about angry as the character he portrays. Gameplay was horrible, graphics and sound were better on the fucking Atari version, and it was damn near impossible to beat without a Game Genie. If I never play this game again, it will be too soon.


EFL Founder
Shittiest game of all time - #1 Action 52 (NES) VS #4 Shaq-Fu (SNES)

ScheissNussen said:
That Raiders looks fucking terrible, that's barely even a game. It's like the joysticks were still setup for testing purposes.

I played Ghostbusters on Commodore 64, and man was that game ever frustrating. I played that game nonstop and committed myself to beating it. Right when I was just about good enough (trained by it) to beat the game my family was going on vacation to Jamaica and I felt like I was being dragged away from it because I wanted to drop all the frustration.

So in Jamaica my parents ended up going out one night and dropped me and my bro at some shady kids center with uzi guards all over it and somehow it ended up that they actually had Ghostbusters for C64 at the place(!?), and I ended up beating it on my first try and all the other kids thought I was some 'Wizard' kid. Also, I learned how to tie my own shoes on the same vacation. Great story pappy.
I also beat Ghostbusters the same time I learned to tie my shoes. Can't be coincidence.


Shittiest game of all time - #1 Action 52 (NES) VS #4 Shaq-Fu (SNES)

Throw Jamaica in there and you'll have something to investigate lol :p


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #2 Ghostbusters

Polls close at 11pm EST. Raiders hold a slim 3-2 edge over Ghostbusters right now.
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #2 Ghostbusters

This is one of the best threads I've seen in a while. Absolutely love James Rolfe (not even for the nerd that's just a bonus) solely based off "Rocky Jumped Over a Park Bench". Hysterical.


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #2 Ghostbusters

Looks like this is going to end in a tie. Next vote wins


EFL Founder
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #2 Ghostbusters

ScheissNussen said:
All around the world the game, "Ghostbusters" has been influencing children to tie their shoes with the repeated phrase [don't] "cross the streams" which encourages them to take the first step in the process. No? No.
Pure genius.


Forum General Emeritus
Shittiest game of all time - #3 Raiders of the Lost Ark VS #2 Ghostbusters

Vote is still locked at 3-3. Can't start a new round until someone breaks the tie. If the 24 hour period has elapsed and it won't let you vote, just post a vote in the thread and I'll count it.

edit: Executive decision - Indiana Jones advances