Shittiest game of all time - #1 Action 52 (NES) VS #4 Shaq-Fu (SNES)
Today's Matchup:
1. Action 52 (NES)
Angry Video Game Nerd: Action 52 - ScrewAttack
Here it is - The glitchiest game ever made on any console. Easily one of the worst games of all time, if not the worst. This game sucked so hard for so many reasons. Unlike other NES games, this is a compilation of multiple (52) games. For this reason alone, the MSRP was $199. Let me say that again. This game retailed for ONE HUNDRED NINETY NINE DOLLARS. Some of the games crashed for no reason, had horrendous controls, glitched graphics, stolen music, spelling errors, they were un-winnable, and flat out sucked donkey dick (well, ok , all of them did.)
It seriously looks like the game was thrown together in 52 minutes. If you are even remotely intrigued to play this game or download the ROM, be forewarned and stay the FUCK away. (But do watch the video for 30 minutes of laughs.)
4. Shaq-Fu (SNES)
This game could challenge Catfight for worst fighting game of all time. Easily ranks up there without question. A horrid choice of characters, uninspired graphics, stiff controls, horrible hit detection, and STOLEN MOVES. Chun Li's lightning kick was blatently ripped from SF for this piece of crap. It's laughable how an athlete will put their name on anything just to make a quick buck.