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Sheeva in MK11

What are your thoughts on Sheeva?

  • Love her

  • Happy to see her back

  • Indifferent

  • Dislike her

Results are only viewable after voting.


I've been seeing some major love for Sheeva lately which is a nice surprise since she is in my top5 MK characters of all time. She never really got much love in the games (great appearance in the comics tho) which is unfortunate for her fans, so if she actually is playable in MK11, it would be huge for them. Personally, I think she definitely deserves a chance and would actually be an amazing addition to this roster. She's queen of a 4-armed dragon/humanoid species, a very powerful female character, has an original design in a game that desperately needs it with so many SF females, there's just so many things they could do with her. Plus she already looks badass from what we've seen:

However I've been seeing a lot of people claiming that NO ONE actually wants her in (lol TYM people and their factual opinions), she sucks, etc. So I wanted to make a poll to see how many people actually like/dislike her.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Pretty much highly unexpected, gotta confess , hehe :eek: .... anyway, she is a MK character and she was decent in MK9, so, personally I would rather see other MK character instead of her as DLC option, but,. since she made it into MK11 roster somehow, she is welcome then :D

The Ultimate

aka CommandThrower
I've always liked Sheeva as a character, so if she is really going to be DLC in MK11, then that'll make me very happy. Seeing a new and improved Sheeva with modern NRS character design--both in aesthetics and gameplay, is something that makes me very excited.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
My opinion on Sheeva is the same as my opinion on Nightwolf and Sindel: I don't personally like them, but they are legacy characters, and as such they deserve to be fucking cool. They are not fucking cool. This is a problem. MKX and MK11 have done a lot to make uncool characters cool, so let's get it over with and give them the makeovers they deserve.

Stryker... can... uh... get his chance... one day... far from now...


What's the point of a random Krypt?
I love her, and I'm do surprised to see her back. She is my favorite Shokan, and looks great in this game.


Seriously Casual Player.
Her face looks like a dude of course, but given how weird the rest of them look, who is surprised?

I am so excited to have Sheeva back! I can't wait to give her a test run, I've missed her from MK9. Maybe she won't be so horrible this time around, lol. I believe in my Shokan Ruler!!!


Tired, But Strong
Happy to see her. I would have been indifferent if not for the MKX comic, which I thought did a fine job making her more than a simple goon - something that seems to have carried over to her portrayal in 11 based on screenshots. Also a fan of the redesign.


I've never been a big fan of Sheeva, never really played her as she's just not my playstyle, but I've always thought she was a cool addition to the roster. I loved her official artwork from MK3, where she looked like this muscly amazon of a beast.

And then again in her MKA appearance, where she kept that awesome appearance!

I've always loved her aesthetics... up until MK9, where it's like they tried to make her look sexy and slender. But it looked HORRIBLE! She was no longer the big and strong Shokan warrior she used to be, she had noodle arms and looked strangely lanky! It was just outright BAD!

To be fair though, it was not just Sheeva. The character models in MK9 were overall very odd looking, weirdly proportioned and just not good, imo.

So to see her pop up in MK11 looking like the warrior amazon she used to appear as, I was happily surprised! I think she looks awesome, and I'm glad they didn't try to make her all sexy and effeminate again, but instead made her what she is - a fucking SHOKAN!!! A monstrous warrior, and even the QUEEN of her people (as per the MKX comics). If she ends up eventually becoming DLC, I'm definitely going to give her a try. ^^



Hot Gyahbage
She has an MK11 appearance?!? That was my main in MK9. I was hoping she'd come back. This would be the perfect game for her to shine.


casual kahnage
I love it. We need at least one Shokan and she’s my favorite after goro, would love her to see her back.

Where is that picture from? Story mode? :confused: Be careful with that shit dude.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Face looks far too human. Reminds me of Jerry Rice at a cosplay convention. Wish they'd maker her face more monsterous\exotic\alien, because that's where NRS shines like d'vorah. Supposed to be half dragon but it looks 90-10 human except for the eyes and stick on horns.

Also I see they made her skin smooth instead of having those dragon scale patches. Bleh
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The Kollector wants your lunch money
My opinion on Sheeva is the same as my opinion on Nightwolf and Sindel: I don't personally like them, but they are legacy characters, and as such they deserve to be fucking cool. They are not fucking cool. This is a problem. MKX and MK11 have done a lot to make uncool characters cool, so let's get it over with and give them the makeovers they deserve.

Stryker... can... uh... get his chance... one day... far from now...
If Stryker ever comes back, NRS needs to add more edge to his character. Maybe something along the lines of his Armageddon ending, where he sees that fighting crime within the confines of the law is inefficient and makes preparations to become a Vigilante along the lines of Batman/Punisher.