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Sektor or Smoke

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
With other characters It's not as ridiculous imo cause most of them aren't nearly as annoying. They do have them and I acknowledge that but it's not as annoying With those other characters imo.

If you're having trouble hit confirming that then just use F42. It's minus 5 and launches which is dumb. Ig I should've use that one instead in my initial post tbh. So you are right about all those things. Except for me not taking this character to the lab. If you've seen what I've written and the BS that is his B21 string it's clear that I have. The F4D12 tho you got me there. But I have had some lab time with this character. Can't say I haven't labbed this character cause of 1 mistake lol
Ok, so if F4D12 doesnt fit your example, tell me what exactly is so bad about F42 being -5 and launching? It doesn't cancel into anything, and only leads into 24% damage, and there is even a gap between the two hits, and F4 itself still has the same problems that I mentioned before. Objectively it's one of the worser mid strings in the game compared to other characters best mids. Why is it so outlandish for Smoke to have this string?


Beware my power, Red Lantern's Light
Cyrax is secretly the best borg, but has a higher learning curve that no one wants to deal with cuz the other 3 variations are much easier to play.

Coconutshrimp loves CSZ :DOGE

tafka Djinn

One for three off the roof
I dropped Borg to go back to Predator and Kang, but still casually play every color but yellow. While I feel both the cherry and liquorice flavors are strong, the better poptart is cherry right now by a slim margin. If one doesn't know the MU Smoke is better, but after learning it Sektor winds up finishing ahead.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Smoke's only real problem is that he gets dicked by Sub-Zero. I don't think Sektor has any matchups as bad as that but he may possibly have more losing overall. You can't go wrong with either. You aren't gonna pick Smoke and think "man if I was playing Sektor I'd be so good, Smoke isn't cutting it lol" (unless you're fighting Grandmaster lmaooooo) and vise versa if you choose Sektor.


Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
Ok, so if F4D12 doesnt fit your example, tell me what exactly is so bad about F42 being -5 and launching? It doesn't cancel into anything, and only leads into 24% damage, and there is even a gap between the two hits, and F4 itself still has the same problems that I mentioned before. Objectively it's one of the worser mid strings in the game compared to other characters best mids. Why is it so outlandish for Smoke to have this string?
F42 gets you 27% damage at least. First combo I came up with gave me that damge meterless so maybe more for a bar. What you just did is tell me everything it doesn't do. This string doesn't cancel into anything, only leads to this much damage, isn't gapless... Like bruh it's a minus 5 mid meterless launcher are you really tryna downplay that? But okay let's say just that into account that F42 has a gap ok. Well then just mix it up with the F4D1 string and throw in a EX Smoke bomb there just in case. "But oh F4D1 EX Smoke bomb has a gap and I'll get armor for 12%" fine then do F1D1 Fade away "Oh but characters with uhh da slide will punish" oh well. It's a better string than you make it out to be. But maybe I'm just a lunatic who knows. I'm done bitching smoke tho. Got it out of my system.


So, in conclusion, what I gathered from this thread is that Smoke should be the only character in MKX that cannot be allowed any sort of mixup/guessing game.

All his moves should have 0 cancel advantage.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
F42 gets you 27% damage at least. First combo I came up with gave me that damge meterless so maybe more for a bar.
If you go for an ender that literally leaves you at a disadvantage on hit, then yes, you can get 27% out of it. However, if you go for a practical ender, the best you can sensibly get out off it is 24%. This is why players like REO describe this site as training-mode veterans. Just jumping in the lab with a character for 30 seconds is no match for actual experience and understanding of what you need to do to not fall on your ass with a character.

What you just did is tell me everything it doesn't do. This string doesn't cancel into anything, only leads to this much damage, isn't gapless... Like bruh it's a minus 5 mid meterless launcher are you really tryna downplay that?
Regardless of how strong you think that is for whatever reason, does not change the FACTS that it doesn't cancel into anything, has a gap between the two hits, and only leads to ~25% meterless. Everything I told you is factually accurate, saying that you think the string is still crazy strong does not change this. How the fuck you know all this but still think that string is overpowered in MKX is another question, but it's whatever.

But okay let's say just that into account that F42 has a gap ok. Well then just mix it up with the F4D1 string and throw in a EX Smoke bomb there just in case. "But oh F4D1 EX Smoke bomb has a gap and I'll get armor for 12%" fine then do F1D1 Fade away "Oh but characters with uhh da slide will punish" oh well. It's a better string than you make it out to be. But maybe I'm just a lunatic who knows. I'm done bitching smoke tho. Got it out of my system.
So your solution to getting around his mid string having a gap, is either spending a bar, or just pushing an unsafe string into them. And that somehow this makes his comparatively bad mid string into an overpowered one. By mixing it up with unsafe shit, or spending a bar.

You know, like almost every character in the game also has a safe mid string that they can launch off, and don't have to do ANY of that shit to be safe on it. I GENUINELY don't understand how you think a 2 hit mid that doesn't cancel into anything, does not lead to any sort of pressure, is -5 on block, has a gap between the two hits, and leads into below average damage is somehow OP. I'm not going to keep pressing the matter, it's clear your emotional investment in hating Smoke has outweighed your logical one, I can't reason someone out of a perspective that they didn't reason themselves into. Smoke is a great character - but its not because of F42 or F4D12, which work just fine but are pretty below average in this game.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
So, in conclusion, what I gathered from this thread is that Smoke should be the only character in MKX that cannot be allowed any sort of mixup/guessing game.

All his moves should have 0 cancel advantage.
actually he's not allowed to have Mid string either. Even if it is only as long as most characters D4's, negative on block, cannot be cancelled into any sort of special or pressure, and has a gap between the two hits, and gets low profiled by some pokes, and only leads to 24% meterless.

A tool like that is utterly overpowered. Can't believe some people would actually downplay such an obviously broken string.


Imagine if Tremor was winning majors. I guarantee @coconutshrimp would be crying about CRYSTALLINE'S FLEX cuz that shit make you safe and some of your opponents safe moves, full combo punishable.


I bet his flash parry would trigger you



Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
If you go for an ender that literally leaves you at a disadvantage on hit, then yes, you can get 27% out of it. However, if you go for a practical ender, the best you can sensibly get out off it is 24%.

Regardless of how strong you think that is for whatever reason, does not change the FACTS that it doesn't cancel into anything, has a gap between the two hits, and only leads to ~25% meterless. Everything I told you is factually accurate, saying that you think the string is still crazy strong does not change this. How the fuck you know all this but still think that string is overpowered in MKX is another question, but it's whatever.

So your solution to getting around his mid string having a gap, is either spending a bar, or just pushing an unsafe string into them. And that somehow this makes his comparatively bad mid string into an overpowered one. By mixing it up with unsafe shit, or spending a bar.

You know, like almost every character in the game also has a safe mid string that they can launch off, and don't have to do ANY of that shit to be safe on it. I GENUINELY don't understand how you think a 2 hit mid that doesn't cancel into anything, does not lead to any sort of pressure, is -5 on block, has a gap between the two hits, and leads into below average damage is somehow OP. I'm not going to keep pressing the matter, it's clear your emotional investment in hating Smoke has outweighed your logical one, I can't reason someone out of a perspective that they didn't reason themselves into. Smoke is a great character - but its not because of F42 or F4D12, which work just fine but are pretty below average in this game.
DB4 does not leave you at disadvantage.

I never said that it was an OP string. You literally just put words in my mouth I'm saying that it's a good string. Not the best mid string in the game, a good string. And I'm not trying to say that he is super amazing cause of this mid string alone or he's super amazing cause his Mix alone. In saying he's a great character with the combination of all his tools. I'm not trying to say "Oh he's not allowed to mix or have a mid launching string" I'm trying to say He's good cause of so and so tools. This thread was asking which do you guys think is better Smoke or Sektor and I gave my reasons why I think Smoke is better. Whether or not he should have those tools is not up to me and I never said he shouldn't have it like you guys apparently think. If it were up to me I'd balance it out in a fair way not completely cripple the character like you And @21122 think. But no I'm just some guy crying about a top tier.

I listed a decent amount of tools he has that are super good and help make him a great character already. I never said he's good just cause of his F4 string. I don't even hate Smoke. At least as a character anyways. I don't like fighting him but I don't let my distain for fighting a character leave me completely ignorant to how good they are. Like I hate playing against a lot of characters but let's take CSZ for example. I really don't like fighting him but I don't think he's some super broken top 3 character. The difference being Smoke is an arguably top 3 character.

I hope that you understand what I'm trying to say. If you don't well I'm sorry. If you wanna say I'm back peddling with the whole mid string thing than fine idc I feel my other reasons as to why he's great still stands.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
DB4 does not leave you at disadvantage.
it leaves you neutral on hit, vs an opponent with wake-up options. You are in every way at a disadvantage after DB4.

I never said that it was an OP string. You literally just put words in my mouth I'm saying that it's a good string.
When you said this stuff "How about we give Smoke another version of that string except make it have no gap, hit comfirmable and the last hit launches for a combo? Yeah that's not (soap bar in my mouth).[...]If you're having trouble hit confirming that then just use F42. It's minus 5 and launches which is dumb"

it makes people think you are complaining about the string being too strong.

I really don't even see how it's a good mid string. It's better than the other Triborg mid's I guess. That and maybe 2 other characters in the game who don't have a mid string that I would trade it for if I was playing Smoke.


Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
it leaves you neutral on hit, vs an opponent with wake-up options. You are in every way at a disadvantage after DB4.

When you said this stuff "How about we give Smoke another version of that string except make it have no gap, hit comfirmable and the last hit launches for a combo? Yeah that's not (soap bar in my mouth).[...]If you're having trouble hit confirming that then just use F42. It's minus 5 and launches which is dumb"

it makes people think you are complaining about the string being too strong.
I mean Ig I used words that were too strong to describe it. If it sounded like I was complaining about the string being too strong I'm sorry, just got really into what I was writing lol. What I meant was the string is good cause so and so reasons. But like I said I feel my other reasons can back up me saying this character is good.

tafka Djinn

One for three off the roof
DB4 ender let's you bully Smoke on your wakeup depending on character, I really think that needs to be driven in. Smoke can eke out some damage with it, but unless it's closing a round it's not even close to practical when you can end in advantage and actually do something.


Wdym nothing is guaranteed after the (2)

The B21 tho, if the first hit hits on block the 1 will whiff of you crouch blocked the B2, but at max range both hits hit on block. If the B2 whiffs the 1 will most likely hit you if you're crouch blocking. There are a lot of variables that go into that part hitting or not. It's stupid
Sorry I meant F2(1). Nothing after 1 is guaranteed.


Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
Sorry I meant F2(1). Nothing after 1 is guaranteed.
Nothing is guaranteed sure but if he does F21 smoke bomb most of not all pokes trade with it and it's a trade you can't afford to lose.
The string itself is also -6 so it's safe so even if the rest of the string could be poked out of he could bait me and get his turn back. That isn't so bad, it's basically just another stagger nothing wrong with those but I feel the string does a bit too much ya know. Invisible 50/50, wins all trades with pokes, can be staggered etc. Its definitely good not trying to say remove it completely or anything.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Nothing is guaranteed sure but if he does F21 smoke bomb most of not all pokes trade with it and it's a trade you can't afford to lose.
The string itself is also -6 so it's safe so even if the rest of the string could be poked out of he could bait me and get his turn back. That isn't so bad, it's basically just another stagger nothing wrong with those but I feel the string does a bit too much ya know. Invisible 50/50, wins all trades with pokes, can be staggered etc. Its definitely good not trying to say remove it completely or anything.
you can jump out into full combo punish