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Seems to be a R1 Block button renaissance going on...


casual kahnage
You didn't give it any time to develop muscle memory. =P

I know from experience with this in particular. >.> But I am fucking tired of eating something when I know I pressed block. So I'm gonna get used to R1 being block.
Yeah I didn’t give it a real chance. I might do it when Terminator or Sindel comes out so I’m learning a new character and controls.


Raiden Practitioner
All kinds of FGC on twitter bout pros moving their block button over.

Did this a couple days ago and for some reason it affected me a lot...Sick of getting hit in the neutral by stuff when I know I press block, also tired of buttons not coming out or me getting thrown when I know I release block. I don't play wave dashing characters, so that's just gravy. But hopefully it benefits my defense.
I've used R1 for block since the days of MKDA on Xbox (it was a different button there, but essentially the right shoulder button). It always felt more natural for me that way.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
I mean..i've had this set up since I was use to have the right trigger as block for MK in MK2...when they introduced the second right trigger I always switch it to the first one...


EFL Founder
I have no problem flawless blocking with the triggers. I tried to switch a couple months ago and my muscle memory screamed at me.