Decided to hit up the lab and learn the Ronin variation, didn't know I would fall in love with this version of Takeda.
To start things off B212+4 xx DB1 leaves you at +2 on block (so with MKX's system it's +3 if they decide mash out with a normal) allowing them to mash out with a 7 frame poke if you decide to use your D1, however there many ways to earn respect from your opponent as to allow continued pressure.
One of your options is instant air NJ2 catches even 5 frame D1's (if they recover in about 15 frames) which allows for a quick meter less punish, however this can be risky because you risk giving up pressure for a punish attempt that can lead to you eating a full combo, thankfully this isn't your only option.
While the blade is set, Takeda's DB1 starts up in 6 frames (can be enhanced for full combo) and has the amazing trait of being a multi hit move which breaks armor. This is your go to option for getting them to respect multiple pressure strings that aren't granting you advantage after setting DB1 (at the moment I've only gotten B212+4 to succeed) and allows for some very creative scenarios to put your opponent in.
Now that you have it set you can gain access to using Quick Call which allows strings such as F21 and F122+4 to have advantage on block +2/3 and +4/5 (traded with Kotals D3 which is 6 frames with raw F1) respectively. I haven't been able to go into the specific examples on the strings (everything that is possible with B2122+4 xx DB1 should work with F21 xx DF1) but it lead to some interesting pressure options, I'll be sure to look into it when possible.
I made it quick video testing a lot of strings plus the ones mentioned and with a little example of the possible pressure with special cancels at the end.
EDIT: Thankfully there are miscalculations with strings canceled into Quick Call. F122+4 xx Quick Call is +6/7 and F21 xx Quick Call is +4/5.