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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I know you think there's some magical equation you can plug into a given universe and pull out a list of 20-30 valid fighting game characters, but there isn't. The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for you to swallow the red hood's not getting in pill.
what?....i actually think the roster should be 32 (36 MAX) and the majority of people would be pleased. i also accepted a long time ago that RH is more than likely not going to be in the game back when that Jennifer Hale tweet came out and with EVO rumor im not gong to heartbroken when Zatanna is revealed im only sayng RH would have been a perfect fit and has a ton of fans.


what?....i actually think the roster should be 32 (36 MAX) and the majority of people would be pleased. i also accepted a long time ago that RH is more than likely not going to be in the game back when that Jennifer Hale tweet came out and with EVO rumor im not gong to heartbroken when Zatanna is revealed im only sayng RH would have been a perfect fit and has a ton of fans.

IMHO, if Red Hood or Atrocitus aint in im out nuf said...even if i really like zatanna i dont feel drawn to this game without one of those 2 characters...

Nightwing Butt

The Hottest Butt In Comics
This doesn't have to be a big argument guys I'm sure some people are unhappy with John being just a skin there are two sides to every DLC being added to the game. I understand where people who don't want Jason are coming from because everyone wants to play their favorite character. It isn't our fault that the first batch of DLC had some characters no one really wanted. I think Canary, and MMH should have made the main roster and we only just got MMH and we are still waiting around for Canary. I know our opinions are going to be different because the character I was most excited to see from the beginning was Jason, and his star is on the rise in DC. Like it or not he is really popular right now and deserves his own slot. I've seen some requests for characters that have a decent following but are never going to get in this game. My favorite just happens to have enough support to maybe get in by the skin of his teeth! I wish everyone's favorites could be in but the reality is they can't and everyone can't be happy, and maybe Red Hood won't make it and that is tough shit for me. I know tensions are high and everything but Red Hood is just as entitled to his own slot as Zatanna, or PG, or Atrocious, or Swampy, or Manta, or Fate, or any of the characters fans have asked Boon for. The point is we shouldn't have to compromise because our character isn't Slade, and he has enough of a following to get in. If he didn't have the following he did no one would be coming in the forum asking for this character to be a skin. Just because Jason isn't a character that some people on TYM want doesn't mean he should have to bow out of a slot to be a skin when he is a very highly requested character in the community as a whole. It's all about money at the end of the day and like it or not Red Hood would sell extremely well! People who play this game really want him in as his own character. I'm sorry if that isn't who some of you personally want taking up a slot, but that is how it is. This is how I feel personally anyway everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


This doesn't have to be a big argument guys I'm sure some people are unhappy with John being just a skin there are two sides to every DLC being added to the game. I understand where people who don't want Jason are coming from because everyone wants to play their favorite character. It isn't our fault that the first batch of DLC had some characters no one really wanted. I think Canary, and MMH should have made the main roster and we only just got MMH and we are still waiting around for Canary. I know our opinions are going to be different because the character I was most excited to see from the beginning was Jason, and his star is on the rise in DC. Like it or not he is really popular right now and deserves his own slot. I've seen some requests for characters that have a decent following but are never going to get in this game. My favorite just happens to have enough support to maybe get in by the skin of his teeth! I wish everyone's favorites could be in but the reality is they can't and everyone can't be happy, and maybe Red Hood won't make it and that is tough shit for me. I know tensions are high and everything but Red Hood is just as entitled to his own slot as Zatanna, or PG, or Atrocious, or Swampy, or Manta, or Fate, or any of the characters fans have asked Boon for. The point is we shouldn't have to compromise because our character isn't Slade, and he has enough of a following to get in. If he didn't have the following he did no one would be coming in the forum asking for this character to be a skin. Just because Jason isn't a character that some people on TYM want doesn't mean he should have to bow out of a slot to be a skin when he is a very highly requested character in the community as a whole. It's all about money at the end of the day and like it or not Red Hood would sell extremely well! People who play this game really want him in as his own character. I'm sorry if that isn't who some of you personally want taking up a slot, but that is how it is. This is how I feel personally anyway everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

zatanna is only competing with red hood cause some ppl out of spite dont want red hood in so they voted for her period.. and i know this for a fact... Red Hood is being requested since this game was announced, Zatanna was requested after pool cameup... anything wrong with this picture?

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
IMHO, if Red Hood or Atrocitus aint in im out nuf said...even if i really like zatanna i dont feel drawn to this game without one of those 2 characters...
i know how you feel, if Zatanna is the last DLC im probably gonna get bored wth this game really soon, i really dont have any other characters to play and RH would have solved that problem, i thought MMH would but as cool as he is the execution for his best stuff is hard as hell online sometimes. and i know im not gonna use Z, as much as i like her i dont see her playstyle being something that suits me so ill probably be done with this game once GTA and Arkham Origins come out *shrug*

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
zatanna is only competing with red hood cause some ppl out of spite dont want red hood in so they voted for her period.. and i know this for a fact... Red Hood is being requested since this game was announced, Zatanna was requested after pool cameup... anything wrong with this picture?
yep there was a very small few people who always wanted Zatanna but that group was the size of the people who wanted Batgirl, there has been a large amount of people requesting Red Hood since the game was announced....once the poll came up everyone decided they wanted her and now we got her -__-


bye felicia
I don't think that's true in the slightest. Many arguments don't work against certain characters while they do against others. And an equation isn't necessary, some simple reasoning and logic can be used as well. I'm not saying lets use a formula, but thinking about the broad spectrum of things, it can be easier to determine who does deserve what and so on. More people were clamoring for Hood than for John Stewart, so John is a skin. Hood could turn out either way, but the demand for John as a completely separate character wasn't overwhelming. That's one factor that should be taken into consideration. Martian Manhunter was a no brainer. Boon even admitted he should've put him in the initial roster, like his gut told him to. It's rather fair to give certain characters precedence over another, and to have solid reasoning behind it. At least in my opinion.
Again, the mathematical character in a fighting game equation does not exist because fighters are made by humans with limitations, not infinitely powerful robots. The things that you use in your calculations to determine who deserves it more do not match up to things like, technical limitations, developer know how, and plain old desire to do it.

I feel like I'm trapped in a time warp on this. Remember when Black Adam was DEFINITELY going to be a skin because he's absolutely identical to Shazam? Remember when Sinestro was PROBABLY going to be a skin because he's similar to GL? Remember when YOLO Lantern was NOT going to be a skin because fear constructs and will constructs aren't the same?

You fall back on the MMH defense, but despite being a founding member of the JL, hugely popular, and having a very distinct load of powers, he was actually slated to miss the game entirely. Meanwhile, Killer Frost and Ares (who have the combined relevance of a painted rock) take up rather comfortable reserved spots in the main cast.

Like I said, anything you say validates the Hood, or whoever, I will turn against you. Popularity, varied power sets, a high selling book, none of it is a silver bullet because NRS (unlike Capcom w/ Marvel) was free to basically make the game they wanted with the characters they wanted.


i know how you feel, if Zatanna is the last DLC im probably gonna get bored wth this game really soon, i really dont have any other characters to play and RH would have solved that problem, i thought MMH would but as cool as he is the execution for his best stuff is hard as hell online sometimes. and i know im not gonna use Z, as much as i like her i dont see her playstyle being something that suits me so ill probably be done with this game once GTA and Arkham Origins come out *shrug*
indeed... i main NW but he is far from my first choise of a character i really like.. i mean i enjoy him but i do feel bored at times... and MMh it took me 3 days to realize he aint that good, im just waiting for everyone else to realize it 2... so yeah

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Again, the mathematical character in a fighting game equation does not exist because fighters are made by humans with limitations, not infinitely powerful robots. The things that you use in your calculations to determine who deserves it more do not match up to things like, technical limitations, developer know how, and plain old desire to do it.

I feel like I'm trapped in a time warp on this. Remember when Black Adam was DEFINITELY going to be a skin because he's absolutely identical to Shazam? Remember when Sinestro was PROBABLY going to be a skin because he's similar to GL? Remember when YOLO Lantern was NOT going to be a skin because fear constructs and will constructs aren't the same?
only the naive people thought Shazam Sinestro etc would be skins


there was a guy at eventhubs who made a interesting argument in red hood favor considering the 2 clues

TheCars and Upside Down could mean this: if you look at a car upside down your looking under the hood so... i mean under the red hood LOLOL stretch? yes but we are grasping at straws here
there was a guy at eventhubs who made a interesting argument in red hood favor considering the 2 clues

TheCars and Upside Down could mean this: if you look at a car upside down your looking under the hood so... i mean under the red hood LOLOL stretch? yes but we are grasping at straws here
I like that one, I like it very much.

The butt hurt the community will express if that turns out to be the case. Knowing Ed Boon the clues he gave could actually mean under the hood and he specifically picked these clues to make people think its Zatanna.

I would never complain about Ed Boons trolling ever again if this turned out to be true. What a stretch this would be though.

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
I like that one, I like it very much.

The butt hurt the community will express if that turns out to be the case. Knowing Ed Boon the clues he gave could actually mean under the hood and he specifically picked these clues to make people think its Zatanna.

I would never complain about Ed Boons trolling ever again if this turned out to be true. What a stretch this would be though.
Edit:stupid iPhone posted on the first letter lol
I was saying that would be awesome if the under the hood thing was true. We'll hopefully get a third hint today that will be more in favor of Red Hood.


B-List Hero
There's a lot of character zealotry going on in TYM but I'm trying to understand why the Red Hood fans seem so much more fanatical. Regardless of my opinion of the character I personally think Red Hood has a great shot a being DLC. But I'm still taken aback by this "all or nothing" mentality. You could make a Booster Gold skin for Grundy and I'd be glad he's in the game at all regardless of how little sense it makes. But it seems that's just not the case for Red Hood. We have no idea how much more DLC is coming and personally if I was a Red Hood fan and knew he wasn't in, I'd take what I could get.

And while there is a lot of personal preference in these matters, let's be honest, some characters are more righteous/deserving of a spot than others. Martian Manhunter was definitely more deserving than Zod, Batgirl and Scorpion. Hell Red Hood is more deserving than those three if for no other reason than popularity. Regardless, if you're losing interest in the game at this juncture I doubt one character you're passionate about is going to make a difference. Nova is my favorite comic hero bar none. I still refuse to even touch UMvC3.


When's DragonBall?
Personally I'm more than happy with this game and I feel NRS has been awesome with their DLC releases,etc...and I'm also more than satisfied since Green Lantern is my fave hero. But Red Hood is also one of my faves out of the DCU(even more so than Batman) so that alone combined with all the hype behind him,requests,popularity spewing from the polls,etc has me hoping with the majority of us here in this thread that he in fact does make it into this game.It'd be complete for me and I'd officially have a 2nd main,so that's why I'm pushing and revealing as much hope as I can cause honestly it really does seem like he's gonna make it in considering the "unofficial" poll,leaked DLC list,etc.

So here's to Jason Todd.......I hope I may someday soon pick you at the character select screen my friend


When's DragonBall?
New tweet from Ed Boon with regards to red hood:


Still hasn't de confirmed his as a "bat" character. So still hope!
Boon knows how popular and requested Jason is...and he sure doesn't reply to ALL tweets that get thrown his way so when he replies and keeps hope alive it certainly does count for something believe it or not. More million dollar offers everyone!!LoL.Jp.But yes I do like to see him reply to the Red Hood love


When's DragonBall?
Seriously why has no one suggested this in relation to Boon's recent "clues" to the next DLC character: 'The Cars' and 'Upside Down'
How about Under the Hood.........aka "Under The Red Hood" as in the title to popular animated movie titled Batman: Under The Red Hood. Come on folks

=-) I'm happy now,it's a stretch but also not really when ya think about it, it's a clever hint/clue if ya ask me
Seriously why has no one suggested this in relation to Boon's recent "clues" to the next DLC character: 'The Cars' and 'Upside Down'
How about Under the Hood.........aka "Under The Red Hood" as in the title to popular animated movie titled Batman: Under The Red Hood. Come on folks

=-) I'm happy now,it's a stretch but also not really when ya think about it, it's a clever hint/clue if ya ask me
People can deny it all they want but it actually is a very clever hint.