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General/Other - Reptile Reptile Post Patch 6/23/15

The more I think about it, the more I like the d3 change. NO MOAR TOTAL DISRESPECT OF +2 BLOCK ADVANTAGE! MAWFUCKAZ!
Lol THTB that's the first thing I thought about, and people still trying to poke out after 21 and now getting hit by d3 hahahah loving it
I'm sorry but why the hell would I ever use 34.. It's a slow high attack with average range.. And has no good cancel advange on block. Again kudos for staying positive but we have been trolled
Basically it's just a punish.. Hope the opponent does something that punishable so you can get your 41% meterless


Another decent buff would be to make it easier To combo off of ex dash. It's an excellent punisher but it's so damn hard for me to not drop