Sheeva: 7-3
Baraka: 7-3
Stryker: 7-3
Cyber Sub: 6-4
Ermac: 6-4
Jade: 6-4 7-3
Raiden: 6-4
Sindel: 6-4
Kano: 6-4
Quan Chi: 6-4 7-3
Scorpion: 6-4
Jax: 5-5 6-4 (its easy to get caught by jax's ground pound and projectile shenanigans, but reptile has a footsie advantage due to his low hitbox nullifying f4, not only that zoning is even if not in reptiles favor and reptile has plenty of mobility in this fight, its close ot even but reptiles hitbox gives him the advantage)
Kitana: 5-5
Nightwolf: 5-5 7-3 (forceball cancelling gives nightwolf absolutely 0 options in this matchup this is atleast a 6-4)
Noob: 5-5
Rain: 5-5 6-4 (i dont see how this could be considered even, ever.... rain doesnt have very many options in this matchup particularly)
Sub Zero: 5-5 6-4 (reptile outzones him and has better pressure punishment and mobility in this matchup and should never get cornered but when he does he has above average escapes including ex forceball and armored slide, once reptile has momentum this matchup isa nightmare for sub)
Mileena: 5-5 4-6 (if you can make this matchup even, kudos, i think it requires really good usage of dash forward dash backward punishes, or dash forward f2 backwards)
Sektor: 5-5 6-4 (there is no way in tarnation this matchup is even, this is downplaying if you think it is or you need more matchup experience, reptile gets around sektors zoning with ease, and sektor has NO answer for d4, so long as you dont get your ass punished, because sektor punishes hard, you control the match, all you have to do is carefully rushdown, and mix in ex fbs from time to time to get a spacing advantage, sektor cant instant air those on reaction whatsoever)
Smoke: 5-5 6-4 (the only thing that would make this matchup even would be smokes damage, once again, reptile can play a careful spacing/rushdown game and there is NOTHING smoke can do)
Cage: 4-6 5-5 (i believe this matchup is even, i have extensive experience on both sides, reptile has too much open space to implement his game plan, he has to go in periodically, which is a slight risk, but cage cant react to it unless he knows and makes a huge read your dash isnt going to hit and that you are going to do it... its tough to escape his pressure and deal with his options after acid hand, however i believe elbow dash is a great escape, although punishable, the threat of it is what counts.... i think reptile has such a severe spacing advantage that it makes the matchup even, otherwise its a difficult matchup, but if played with the proper spacing cage can get zoned out hard and blown up by grab mixups and lame down4 spacing or whiffed dashes straight into pressure/grabs)
Freddy: 4-6 (this matchup could be 3-7, reptile has 0 options at full screen and literally has to take a jump periodically or do something punishable, which on reaction can be ex clawed for 40%, not only that even if jump over a projectile you can still be punished if you werent way ahead of it... its a tragically bad guessing game that you can be punished for doing something smart and freddy still has good options in the footsie game and standing 2 is a 10 frame punisher. and can whiff punish your down 4s with nightmare stance or claws, and also whiff punish your elbow dash... at a realistic level ill stick to 4-6 but at a high level its 3-7)
Kabal: 4-6 (this matchup is bad, reptile is one of the top cahrs to fight kabal with, but kabal dominates the spacing game and can shut down reptile and exploit his weaknesses)
Kenshi: 4-6 5-5( forceball cancelling makes this matchup even stevens, reptile has great mobility and can blow up kenshis zoning, kenshi is force to rushdown with shoulder)
Liu Kang: 4-6 5-5 (i hold the belief, from extensive experience on both sides, that if this matchup is in anyones favor it is in reptiles favor, reptile can dash under high fireballs, and all he has to do is trade a spit with a low fireball, pump out a slow ball and he has the zoning advantage, in the neutral zoning game reptile has the option of punishing fireballs from full screen with a dash jump.... when reptile gets the zoning advantage his risk/reward/options are beyond superior to liu kangs.... the only place this matchup is bad in for reptile is the up close game because liu has a lethal mixup game and is neutral after everything.... but it is even hard as shit for liu to deal with reptiles knockdown pressure and grab mixups and pressure himself, he has no followup to d4 acid hand that beats out reptile... hes forced to try and whiff punish too much... the zoning game can switch sides a lot in this.... but reptile has much better risk rewards and hes much better at dealing with liu kangs zoning then liu is with dealing with his, and his zoning reaps benefits... and when liu gets knocked down he is fucked vs reptile... reptile has a million wakeup crossup setups and zoning and spacing setups)
Shang Tsung: 4-6 5-5 ( this matchup could be in reptiles favor... shang is forced to guess a lot in the zoning game.... reptile has easy ways around.... this matchup is similar liu kang and johnny in the fact that reptile has a tough time with shangs rushdown... but his d3 is viable for the poke or counter-poke guessing game and he does have shitty armor as an option.... whats also similar to liu kang is that once reptile gets a knockdown shang tsung is dicked and once reptile obtains the zoning advantage its very difficult for shang... my argument for this being in shangs favor would be soul steal from max range being a tough option to deal with and when converted to the mirror match shang can do a ton of damage quickly.... other than that this matchup feels very riskky and guessy for both characters and its probably in reps favor at the highest level because hes 2 damn good at dealing with zoning)
Skarlet: 4-6 (not familiar enough with to form an opinion, understand that skarlet probably is really good at being an armored bitch and getting around zoningand annoying him with daggers and making him kind of stuck sometimes... she would theoretically fuck his spacing up)
Kung Lao: 4-6 (this is a pain in the balls, theoretically i have an answer to kung laos randomness but realistically this matchup is bad.)
Cyrax: 3-7 4-6 (reptile has to be super patient in this matchup and cyrax does tons of damage... that being said cyrax has to come to you and if played at tip-top level of reactions and zoning reptile can totally start a zoning game and win this fight.. but cyrax has too many opportunities to trade for me to call it even.... i dont think its 3-7 though.... its just much harder to play rep in the matchup.)
Sonya: 3-7 (ill leave this number, but i think its probably 4-6 at the highest (f2 punishes divekickS?) but i will say if rep gets his zoning going he can win, but sonya is a cunt)
so that leaves in my opinion reptile with mileena freddy kabal skarlet lao cyrax and sonya as bad matchups, with only one 3-7 being sonya and two potential 3-7s freddy and cyrax...... this makes him in the 6-9 range