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Poll REDO: TYM Year Round Up. Appreciate the best and not so best Community


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Erron community is pretty good. Well its the only section I visit with the occasional Tremor peak lol . Tremor community seem awesome as well. Always helpful when I ask tech questions.


Sub Zero community sucks, and I say that as a member. Quan Chi community is great though, nothing but fun here, and it's also the community with the best profile pictures :)

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I voted Kano has the best. It's a toss up between sub, Tanya and Cassie has the worst. Pure entertainment.

Oh congrats to @Youphemism hope you'll still go off in the kano community.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
#1 Kenshi, and it was a very easy decision

Noticed that its multiple votes allowed however, so I added Quan Chi for their ridiculous downplay of pseudo unblockables during the second half of last year, and QuadBorg made the cut for being just as bad in the short time they've been up as well


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Best community: The Lao community is great other than a certain pro player or two, and I'm liking the Alien community a lot so far as well.

But I think the winner for best community has to be Jason community. Worst character in the game, and they still didn't flood the forums with balance whines, I barely saw it and only when relevant to current topic, also their figuredhead is REO who contributes more positively than anyone to these forums, also all the Jason players seem to be really cool


From Takeda to Robin
So I guess the Takeda community is just non-existent? :DOGE

I don't know which is the worst community but I do know that the F/T, Goro, and Jason communities seem to be some of the best.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
The Johnny community are the biggest downplayers I have ever seen. What's worse is they go to other character forums and insist they are better than Johnny. Don't even get me started on the over reacting to his d4 changes.. Do Johnny Cage players even need to think? Its literally like just shadow kick in and ignore zoning or combo breakers. And the so called "reactable" or "gimmicky" 50/50 of 113 and 11, f24. Do I honestly need to talk about F3 canceling on whiff? LMAO

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
Kung Jin community. Dude be taken hella gay jokes.

In da face...(Couldn't help myself.)

Subzero cause who the fuck complains about the Kage Bushin no Jutsu...shit has literally saved the world. Geez

And the Kitana community because they are like the most honest of ALLLLLLL communities. Yet ya'll dumbasses still jump and block high.

Sure...You do that...


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I voted for a bunch of communities for a bunch of different reasons, but as of right now, I may have to put the Kung Lao community ahead for parading themselves as Godlike for landing 2 frame links, which is actually a 3 frame link, all this time but then complain whiffing the last hit of EX dive kick on block (which gives them the exact same frame advantage they claimed the EX hat spin nerf robbed them of) is too hard.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I just wanted to stop in here and remind everyone that kenshi was bad and unviable April 17th-3 weeks ago and to vote accordingly