I did not even know, i have yet to add potals to my game. How do you even do this?
edit: kinda figured it out. It seems more like a bug but it works
There doesnt seem to be any logic to why this works. I thought perhaps its based on if the first portal is in front or behind the portal that is canceled into at the time of cancel. Nope. I thought maybe its a matter of height. Nope
Distance apart at the time of canceling into port seems to effect it certainly.
In the corner, if you set the portal up high, say off of air 142, then go into f3>port. Unlike mid screen, you jump through the top portal instead of teh one you just created from the cancel.
And on top of all that, whenever you initiate this "tech", you are not able to manual port to oldest with the requisite command as you would with normal portal usage, meaning this is never going to be a mixup and is too slow to be an unreactable overhead or low. If rain is canceling in your face with portal. just block high and hit him out of the startup if in range (which is where the threat of a psuedo mix would even be), you have all the time in the world to block low in case they have frost or whatever for a low special to cancel into, and still stand block and visually confirm this. Hell you can stay crouching and just blast him with a down 2 or whatever..
Ill keep testing but I cant seem to figure out the game logic, assuming this is intentional, to replicate it, or to utilize it in a way where I have access to both ports in this situation. In the corner there could have been some tricky tech, if left right mix ups where a thing in MK