Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
Raiden is finally officially out for Ultimate Edition and Fighter Pack 2 holders, and to make your Thunder God play as good as it can be, start out strong with this combo thread! Courtesty of Microsoft for letting some of us play Raiden early
- All combos were performed on Competitive Mode Superman. Please do your combos on Supes as well.
- 'xx' means you're canceling a special move into something. For instance, F3xxDB2 means canceling F3 into DB2, while F3 means finishing the full F3, then doing DB2.
- DF2 is Shocker. Use DF2 MB if you want to be safe-ish (-8 on block) while not wasting meter if it gets blocked (MB only comes out on hit).
- DB2 is Vicinity Burst. Use DB2 MB to combo if you want to be fully safe (-2 on block) and get max damage, but you waste a bar of meter if you get blocked.
- Meterless DB2 shocks the opponent with trait on for a B3 combo.
- DB1 is Lightning Bolt. Use DB1 MB to combo for max damage off of specific strings (F12, 21, F21). It is also +2 on block, however, it has a large gap if it gets blocked.
- The strings 11, F12, 21, F21, S3 connect into DB1 MB for max damage (and a couple specific normals like S2).
- '6f' means 6 frames of startup on the move.
6f Starter
- F123xxBF3 - 198.65
- F12B2xxDF2 - 137.46
- D1xxDF2 - 105.00
- 112xxDF2 - 149.19
- 112xxBF3 - 167.48
- D2, F2, F2, F123xxBF3 - 218.75
- 21D3xxBF3 - 210.04
- 21u3, F2, F123xxBF3 - 268.19
- 3F3, F2, F2, F123xxBF3 - 295.54
- B1xxDF2 - 116.33
- B11xxDB1 - 137.90
- B112xxBF3 - 174.96
- F1, F123xxBF3 - 211.38
- D2, F2, F123xxBF3 - 203.66 (consistent)
- D2, F2xxDB2, F123xxBF3 - 242.79 (inconsistent)
- D2xxDB2 (hold until it hits), B3, J3, F123xxBF3 - 310.31
6F Starter
- F12B2(hold), BF3 - 182.97
- F12B2, F123xxBF3 - 239.72
- F12B2(hold for ¾ hits), F21xxDB2, B3, step forward, F21xxBF3 - 337.97
- 112(hold)B3(hold) - 125.03
- 112B3(hold for ⅗ hits), F12xxBF3 - 164.30
- 112, D1xxBF3 - 170.19
- B112, F123xxBF3 - 261.82
- B112(hold), BF3 - 205.07
- 3B3(hold)xxBF3 - 163.58
- 3B3(hold for ⅗ hits), F123xxBF3 - 193.34
6F Starter
- F12B2xxDF2 MB, F123xxBF3 - 275.30
- F12DB2 MB, B3, J3, F2, F123xxBF3 - 371.46
- F12xxDB1 MB, B3, walk forward, F2xxDF2 (comes out as Vicinity Burst), F123xxBF3 - 384.50 (side switch)
- F12DB1 MB, B3, J3, F2, F123xxBF3 - 398.31
- F12DB1 MB, J3, 3xxBgB (background bounce), B3, J3, F12xxBF3 - 450.24
- D1xxDF2 MB, 21, F123xxBF3 - 322.04
- 112xxDF2 MB, 21, F123xxBF3 - 245.07
- 112xxDB2 MB, B3, F2(whiff)1xxDF2 (comes out as Vicinity Burst), F123xxBF3 - 373.43 (side switch)
- 112xxDB2 MB, B3, J3, F2, F123xxBF3 - 385.79
- 21D3xxDF2 MB, 21, F123xxBF3 - 387.63
- 21D3xxDB2 MB, B3, J3, F2, F123xxBF3 - 428.34
- Side-switch combo with F2(whiff)1xxDF2 also works, see the 8F starter combo.
- 21D3xxDF2 MB, 3xxBgB (background bounce), B3, J3, F123xxBF3 492.10
- B1xxDF2 MB, 21, F123xxBF3 - 333.37
- B1xxDB2 MB, B3, F2(whiff)1xxDF2 (comes out as Vicinity Burst), F123xxBF3 - 364.80 (side switch)
- B1xxDB2 MB, B3, J3, F123xxBF3 - 378.49
- MB B3, J3, F2, F123xxBF3 - 430.61
- MB B3, F2(whiff)1xxDF2 (comes out as Vicinity Blast), F123xxBF3 - 412.60 (side switch)
- On a max range MB B3, input F2(whiff)1xxDB2 instead.
- F2(whiff)1 can be replaced with walk forward, standing 3, but it doesn't properly connect on a max range MB B3.
- MB F3, J3, F123xxBF3 - 428.31
- MB F3, step forward, F2xxDF2 (comes out as Vicinity Burst), F123xxBF3 - 425.97 (side switch)
6F Starter (DF2 combo needs improving)
- F12xxDB1-Orb stop, B3, F2xxDB2, J3, F123xxBF3 - 462.67
- F12xxDF2 MB, B3, J3, F2, F123xxBF3 - 421.04
- F12xxDB2 MB, B3, J3, F2xxDB2, J3, F123xxBF3 - 460.47
- F12 can be replaced with F21 or 21 for slightly more damage.
- D1xxDF2 MB, 3xxDB2, B3, J2, F123xxBF3 - 427.33
- 21D3xxDB1-stop Bolt, F2xxDB2, B3, J3, F123xxBF3 - 513.54
- 21D3xxDB2 MB, B3, forward dash, F2xxDB2, J3, F123xxBF3- 512.89
- MB B3, J3, F2xxDB2, J3, 21xxBF3 - 506.98
- MB F3, F2xxDB2, J3, F123xxBF3 - 489.92
6F, 8F, 10F and 15F Starter
- F12xxDB1 MB, 4, F123xxBF3
- F12xxDB1 MB, 4, BgB, B3, F2xxDB2, F123xxBF3
- Replace F12 with 11 (8 frame starter), 21 (9F starter) or F12 (15F starter) depending on the situation.
- D1xxDF2 MB, D2xx4, F123xxBF3
6F Starter
- F12B2, F12, DB2, F123, BF3 - 276.90
- (Hard) F123, F123, F123xxBF3 - 321.53
- 21U3, 3xxDB2, F123xxBF3 - 314.83
- 3B3, F12xxDB2, F123xxBF3 - 274.38
- F2B3, F123, F123xxBF3 - 236.76
- F3, J3, F123, F123xxBF3 - 400.43
13F Low Starter
- B12, 21, F123xxDB2, F3, F123xxDF2 - 399.50
- 3F3, 21, F123xxDB2,F3, F123xxDF2 - 415.53
- J3, 21, F123xxDB2, F3, F123xxDF2 - 466.63
6F Starter
- F12xxDB1 MB, F3, 3xxDB2, F123xxBF3 - 394.05
- Also works off of 21 (10F starter).
- 21D3xxDF2 MB, 21xxDB2, F123xxBF3 - 426.26
- MB F3, 3xxDB2, 21, F123xxBF3 - 458.96
6F Starter
- F12xxDF2 MB, J3, 3xxDB2, J3, F123xxBF3 - 474.47
- Same combo for other starters like 21D3 (10F starter) and F21 (15F starter).
- Replacing first J3 with F3 gives less damage in all of these combos.
- F12xxDB1-Bolt stop, J3, 3xxDB2, J3, F123xxBF3 - 485.26
- Same combo for other starters like 21D3 and F21.
- F12xxDB2 MB, J3, 3xxDB2, J3, F123xxBF3 - 477.85
- Same combo for other starters like 21D3 and F21.
- D1xxDF2 MB, J3, F123xxDB2, F3, F123xxBF3 - 475.59
- MB F3, 3xxDB2, J3, 21, F123xxDF2 - 507.14
6F Starter
- F12DB1 MB, 4, F123xxDB2, F3, F123xxBF3 - 413.30 (trait nearly runs out)
- D1xxDF2 MB, D2xx4, F12B2(hold), 3xxDB2, F3, F12 - 310.39 (unfinished combo)
- 21D3xxDB2 MB, D2xx4, F123xxDB2, F3, F123xxBF3 - 390.17
MASSIVE CREDIT to @Infinite_resign for making most of these combos. He's a combo god.
This combo thread is a work in progress, some values and/or combos themselves are still missing and will be added later.
Combos from Noble Raptor, video at the bottom:
112 BF3
112 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
112B3 HOLD 3 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
112 DB2 MB B3 J3 F2 F123 BF3
21U3 F2 F123 BF3
F123 BF3
F12B2 HOLD 2 F2 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F12 DB1 MB B3 J3 F2 F123 BF3
F12 DB1 MB B3 DASH F2 DF2 F123 BF3
F12 DB1 DB MB B3 DASH 3 DB2 J3 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
B1 DB2 MB B3 J3 F2 F123 BF3
D1 DF2 MB 21 F123 BF3
D1 DF2 MB B3 DASH 3 DB2 J3 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F21 DB1 MB B3 J3 F2 F123 BF3
F21 DU MB 21U3 F2 F123 BF3
F21 DU MB 21 DB1 MB B3 J3 F2 F123 BF3
F21 DU MB 21 DB1 DB MB B3 DASH 3 DB2 J3 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F2B3/3B3 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F2B3/3B3 F1 DB2 MB B3 J3 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
3F3 F2 F2 F123 BF3
3F3 F2 DB2 MB B3 J3 F123 BF3
F12 BGB B3 J3 F2 F123 BF3
F12 BGB 3 DB2 B3 J3 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
D1 DF2 MB 3 BGB 3 DB2 B3 F123 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
112 F123 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
112 DB1 MB F3 J3 F123 BF3
112 DB1 MB 4 F123 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
21U3 21 DB2 F123 BF3
21U3 21 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
21D3 DF2/DB2 MB 21 DB2 F123 BF3
21D3 DB1 DB MB J3 F123 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F12B2/F123 F123 F123 BF3
F12B2 21 21 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F12/F21 DB1 MB F3 J3 F123 BF3
F12/F21 DB1 MB 4 F123 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F12/F21 DB1 DB MB J3 F123 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
B1 DF2/DB2 MB 21 DB2 F123 BF3
B1 DB2 MB J3 F123 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
B12 21 21 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
D1 DF2 MB 21 DB2 F123 BF3
D1 DF2 MB J3 F123 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F21 DUD MB F12B2 21 21 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
F2B3/3B3 F123 F123 BF3
F2B3/3B3 F123 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
3F3 F21 DB2 F123 BF3
3F3 21 21 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
3F3 F21 DB2 F123 DF2 MB F123 BF3
3F3 DB1 DB MB J3 21 DB2 F3 J3 BF3 (Requires High Voltage)
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