I've been playing with him all day and I'm not liking him much. I'm struggling to get some offense going. The water orb thing if jumped and evaded, well, you're screwed, he stays in the animation too long. The cool thing I like about it is that if it's blocked, it pushes the opponent slightly back, giving you some space. His lightning, well, I've been punished alot trying to get some lightning going. It's been hit or miss for me, sometimes it catches the opponent in the air other times it doesn't. I don't think it's a reliable AA at all. I tried utilizing the 1,2,F+3 as my main starter srting but it keeps backfiring. I'm not sure if it's safe on block or not, maybe my execution is slow :-?
For me his B+2,1+2 string seemed much safer on block. i mixed it up with his B+2,3 and it seemed like a much more reliable mixup. I caught a few people with the overhead expecting the low 3. Sadly though, there isn't much you can do after the low 3 hits :-( His teleport seems ok, I caught a few people off guard with it but at times I was uppercutted on reaction. The teleport that did land most of the time was the enhanced one. But you can't do anything after that :-( His enhanced Geyser kick seems liek a solid wakeup get the hell off me attack. Meh, I don't know, It's still too early to tell, but I certainly am not liking him. This is my opinion and experiences with him so far, NOT FACT. I respect everyones opinion about this char and expect the same.