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PS4 or Xbone?

Which console do you recommend?

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X1 mostly because of Scalebound and Killer Instinct.
Scalebound looks like it's going to be absolutely nutty. The dude's suit looks so awesome as well.

I can't wait to see the scale of the game.

We need some next-gen Shadow of the Colossus type game, y'know?


Dojo Trainee
Just decide for the console which has more exclusives you wanna play. Personally im gonna wait till we get a release date for mkx and decide then which next gen console i get but atm. i would go with a PS4 its cheaper if dont go with a XONE without kinect which cuts down one of the features and XONE has at the moment only one exclusive im interested which has no PC port KI and im pretty sure it will get one down the road. Also for ppl which play with pads i think the PS4 pad is waaaay better than the xone pad (played injustice on PS4 and KI on XONE). But overall neither console blows me away so im getting every game which comes out for PC aswell for sure also on PC.


My opinion: If you can comfortably afford both, get both. Otherwise, PS4.

I have both but use PS4 way more. KI was disappointing but I'm going to pick it back up now that the new season of characters is starting.

Deleted member 5032

After being on the Xbox side since it's release in 2001, I've gotta say I think PS4 is the system to go to. I hated the Ps3 (I sold that shit to a friend weeks after buying it), but everything seems to have changed in this new generation. I don't see things going great for Xbox over the next year or so. So far Sony seems to be handing this generation of gaming better than any other company.


Dojo Trainee
I have both and use the X1 more. I think it really depends on a few things:

Friends and which console they own

In terms of pure system performance related to video games, the PS4 has an edge, but I've on more than one occasion picked up a PS4 title that was a multiplatform and ended up switching it out for the X1 version.

They are overall pretty close, I'd buy whichever is the next gen version of your current system to be honest.


You have to take the controllers into consideration, PS4 will very likely get more support from 3rd party manufacturers, Hori has just announced the FC4 Pad, no Pad dedicated to fighting games on the X1, I have a X1 and trust me, the controller is ass.

I bought the X1 for Killer Instinct and I kind of regret it now, the game is good, but it wasn't worth the $500, sure there are more games, but most of them look better on the PS4.


Noob Saibot
PS4 has better exclusives coming out in the next year IMO but the Xbox One has been picking up steam an looks promising.

I love both BUT if I had to have just one, it would be the PS4. It's nice knowing it has that extra umph of power.
Xbox One: Halo 5/Master Chief Collection>All exclusive games PS4 can and will have

Also, Xbox One has had better exclusives so far.(Titanfall, Deadrising 3, Killer Instinct)
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AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
PS4. As an owner of both consoles, i feel that the PS4 fits me in terms of what i want from a system and what games i want to play.
Also, i feel that MK should always be played on a Sony console, but that's just my bias talking XD
My PS4 experience has been nothing short of amazing. I'm playing Destiny and BF: Hardline right now and I'm honestly pleased to know these games are coming out soon. That being said, everything else is also phenomenal. I have so many games it's crazy. I recently picked up Injustice for PS4 which has kept me busy also. If I had to say WHY you would choose a PS4 over an Xbox it would easily be for the value. Same price, better hardware, more support and in my opinion, a nicer lineup. PlanetSide 2 is going to be a humungous release, H1Z1 for the DayZ fans, MK will most likely get exclusive content (Kratos on PS3 plus it debuted at the Sony conference). PlayStation plus will give you great games on PS4 for free (Trine 2 was one of the recent releases).

This might not matter, but Sony is also the only gaming console company known to be exploring Virtual Reality (Project Morpheus). Who knows what this could mean for PlayStation gamers... At the end of the day though, the Xbox is not a bad console. I used to play with one almost daily. You definitely won't feel like you wasted your money if you get one so long as you enjoy the games exclusive to it. If third party multi-plats are what you're interested in, I'd go PS4 100% of the time. I would definitely do some research for your own benefit before deciding.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
If your not going to play in tourneys buy either one, which then your exclusives are going to be the determining factor.

Now I don't choose my console on exclusives, both systems have great exclusives coming and currently. I look at performance and so far most multi-plats have shown to run better on PS4. This business where everyone is claiming the tourney standard to be on a console we have not even seen it run on yet a year away form the game's release is BS BTW. Just because TOs have an X1 for KI already doesn't mean that system will become standard for tourneys. 360 was chosen for IGAU, SF, and several other due to its performance and PS3 tends to runs games worse. The standard will not be known for at least a couple weeks after the game's release, which is dependent on the game's performance and the majority preference of the players.

Regardless of which system you choose to buy, just make sure you find a controller(s) that works on both systems, like right now I have a MadCat Fight Pad for both 360 and PS3 so I can play in tourneys.


The polling is pretty clear on the websites opinion, it seems like the ps4 is definitely the favorite. I'll most likely wait and see what rpgs are coming out but unless there is some extremely awesome exclusive on the xbox, i'll most likely buy the ps4

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I watched E3 wanting to have a reason to get a xbox (I have a Ps4 and almost everything else) but I still cant justify it just for KI (which I can play at a friend's)...The only fps I can play is Far Cry so the emphasis on Halo is a complete turn off for me...while all the major PS games are third person...also GGxrd is brilliant looking...
For strictly MK reasons although I'll be getting a stick..I do love the 4s controller way more...


I own a ps4 and I have nothing but great things to say about it. I will point out that the xbox is less geared towards gaming than ever, their goal with the xbone is to be the multimedia station for households that does it all. The PS4 is still more of a hardcore gamers console.


Noob Saibot
....major games such as?

Call of Duty, I know. Any others....that are actually major?
I'm pretty sure Battlefield 4 DLC came out first on Xbox One. I cant remember because I was having too much fun with vanilla on PS4 and forgot about the maps.

I keep saying this over and over and over and over and over again.

Pick the system that has the exclusives that interests you.

If you're only getting a next gen for MKX then it shouldnt matter, unless the One is at 720p. In that case? Get a PS4.


Man of Tomorrow
If you play for mainly fighters then it's a toss as PS4 gets MKX and Xrd while XB1 gets MKX and KI. If you play shooters a lot then XB1 as they get some shooter DLC first, Titanfall, and Halo. If you play a lot of multiplats and/or every genre then PS4 as multiplats look/run better on PS4 and their track record shows they experiment and release a ton of exclusives for every genre.