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PS4 or Xbone?

Which console do you recommend?

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There's no competition for me its Xbox one all the way. IMO it has better exclusives and all my friends have one(no point getting a ps4 if I don't know any IRL that has one).

Tbh most games that come out now come out for both consoles and look the same anyway. You've got to just make your choices on exclusives, controllers, what your friends have.
My PS4 experience has been nothing short of amazing. I'm playing Destiny and BF: Hardline right now and I'm honestly pleased to know these games are coming out soon. That being said, everything else is also phenomenal. I have so many games it's crazy. I recently picked up Injustice for PS4 which has kept me busy also. If I had to say WHY you would choose a PS4 over an Xbox it would easily be for the value. Same price, better hardware, more support and in my opinion, a nicer lineup. PlanetSide 2 is going to be a humungous release, H1Z1 for the DayZ fans, MK will most likely get exclusive content (Kratos on PS3 plus it debuted at the Sony conference). PlayStation plus will give you great games on PS4 for free (Trine 2 was one of the recent releases).

This might not matter, but Sony is also the only gaming console company known to be exploring Virtual Reality (Project Morpheus). Who knows what this could mean for PlayStation gamers... At the end of the day though, the Xbox is not a bad console. I used to play with one almost daily. You definitely won't feel like you wasted your money if you get one so long as you enjoy the games exclusive to it. If third party multi-plats are what you're interested in, I'd go PS4 100% of the time. I would definitely do some research for your own benefit before deciding.
You need a gaming PC man. DayZ and Plantside 2 have been out on PC for a while. BF:Hardline will be ou ton PC as well. Destiny will be the only console exclusive but that's both Sony and Microsoft. Injustice has hardly anyone online for PS4. Trine 2 also another game that's been on PC for well over a year.

It seems the majority of the games you are hype about have already been on PC for a while or will be released on PC when they come out. Also Oculus Rift been on PC for a while. I'm just saying that based on the games you listed PS4 doesn't really hold any sort of advantage over xbox 1 or PC and I'd go as far to say that PC would be the better choice as it's more powerful than both of the next gen consoles and you'd get earlier access to some of the games you've already listed.