i can play the game well, but i can't seem to get it down to a science yet where i can get strait S's, any tips for how to move about? do u counter attack at all or no?
3rd ninja is Momjii. Neato.
Anyway, yes I have some tips. S-ranking is based on total Karma points only, so you need to be both relatively quick and use lots of SoB techniques as it yields the most points (that 3.0 modifier baby).
I have two modes of playing - one for style and one for S-ranking/Perfecting fights. S-ranking/Perfecting fights involves a shit ton of block-dashing (holding block and dashing away to bait out SoB opportunities on mobs that will do it). Also a lot of Izuna Drop's (or equivilant for whichever weapon/character you're using, XYXXXY) - Izuna Dropping also builds the rage modifier, but I think it's only if you have it already...haven't really paid close attention to that.
Ayane's end room (black alchemists) has no real science to it, just tips. I save Ninpo til the first vangelf (purple monster, whatever his name is) and use it to dismember him and hope that he just leaves me alone and stays in the back, throwing fireballs sometimes. That lets you kill all of the normal white clad dudes. Once they all run out, I'll have a free quick-charge UT available, so I'll execute the vangelf then quick-charge a UT on the next two, then play it safe and throw her exploding shurikens (ayane) or exploding arrows (ryu) or use the XXYY combo (kasumi - it's a pretty safe one 'cause it teleports her away and flies at them). Once the spider-clan ninja's come at you, you reach a minicheckpoint. You wanna be sitting on Ninpo (or get Ninpo by the time you're done with the ninjas) and just Izuna Drop them all - takes 2 per, but that's what I do if I'm S-ranking. Builds combo points and I think some range multiplier. Even if not, if you're paying attention and block-dashing appropriately you won't get hit, or get hit much, so you'll get S/A ranks on health left/time for big points. You should be S/S or S/A or A/S ranking every previous fight - the 2 courtyard fights and the hallway by SoB'ing everything except the missile launcher dudes.
Edit: For the Black alchemists you either want to have Ninpo or 50%+ of your life bar so you can absorb a hit or two in order to pull off a UT charge. Other than that...just try and find the sweet spot where you can pull off a UT charge. You'll hang yourself before you beat these 3 guys by fighting them hand to hand with normal attacks.
That's all for Ayane's challenge. Her's starts easy, and gets hard. Ryu's starts hard and gets easy. Once you get to the white alchemists at the end, you've won 'cause you can just UT them over and over pretty mindlessly.
SoB'ing the 2nd set of guys in Ryu's challenge is a pain in the ass. You can also do the additional fight with all the alien monsters and SoB a ton of them if you feel confident - they red-glow a lot. Basically an additional chance to S/S rank another fight before the big arena thing. In the arena, I just Izuna Drop most things and dash jump to safe places so I can take out missile launchers as needed.
You can also jump in the air and hit B to throw shurikens at the invisible dudes and see them - all these guys are easy to Izuna Drop, they suck at blocking. The vehicle section is easy as Ayane and Ryu 'cause you can just jump in the air and throw your exploding shuriken/arrows. Only thing to watch for is getting run over - the camera (as usual) works against you here. You can use Ninpo as you see fit in Ryu's mission - I've started to not use it at all, or use it for fun as opposed to necessity for its healing.
If I'm going for style (which I do pretty often) then I practice counter-attacking and fancy combos and all that. I like both styles of play but I tend to go with S-ranking until everything is unlocked...then it's style forever. And challenges. I can't wait for the 100 Challenges Razor's Edge has in it.
Oh and Co-Op. My brother and I are going to play that, and I'm sure it'll be just like MK9 online -retarded but fun.