Every good Mortal Kombat game has had Kung Lao in it as a playable character. MK2 is considered to be the best MK of all time (dont see why) and Kung Lao was in it. UMK3 is the MK everyone plays now and Kung Lao was in it also. MKDA was considered to be the best fighting MK of the PS2 Xbox generation and guess whos in it? Kung Lao. Shaolin Monks seems to be everyones favorite 3D MK and KUNG LAO is on the cover. He also is one of the most popular characters and has whats widely considered the BEST fatality of all time the Hat Slicer, where he takes the hat and slices you clean into 2 halves. He has the best costumes, the best moves, and the best victory poses. KUNG LAO FOREVER BIZNATCHES!!!