Dude you are worse than me - untill i saw those spikes on his arms in the video and those shoes and his head - I wasn't much sure either - but look at it this way - what company in their right mind wouldn't make the MOST demanded DLC character EVERYWHERE on every website?
I have seen people refusing to buy the game untill MMH is out...
Besides I think they know the rage that not including MMH at all will result. They can't go around saying oh we listen to our fans and if they want a character very much than he has big chances of being DLC if they arn't gonna put THE most demanded one

And the fact that MMH is not a stage transition which means just like Doomsday he can be playable
Come on there are too many facts and evidence to call all this Coinkidenk

So there you have your proof

But i completely understand though - you don't wanna get your hopes up than to be disapointed...i know how that feels