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Post-Stream Notes from Ed Boon @ UFGTX: Balance, Mortal Kombat, Streams, Character Variety, E3


A question I thought of after Ed mentioned about "if we had more time" is what determines the length of time they are able to work on a title? Besides sales of course - it had me curious.
I recently watched the stream and was wondering the same thing. Maybe there was some sort of time constraint that involved IGAU or something, which cut their time short on MK? Either way, I'm sure WB's had more to do with it.
Without any knowledge of their situation, software development of any kind needs a time table and will have a set budget and release date in advance. They will typically allocate resources (people and monies) for a given amount of time to work on something and it pretty much has to be done by then or they have to go back and ask for more money and time (see delayed games). Features can get cut completely as they move to their release schedule.

DLC is also scheduled way in advance now too. I'd wager the post-season pass DLC was all extra stuff they had to fight to be able to get budget to do, and why it wasn't accounted for in the Season Pass. But it was clear the fans wanted more.

Anything that starts to come up post-release has to be fought for to get budget to do. Like the last Batgirl hot fix was likely something a Producer had to get a slice of budget for to get a few people to work on it, where most/all of the team is likely deep in development on the next project now. Lucky it was just a hot fix because anything requiring a patch is very unlikely after a certain point due to the cost of these patches are much greater than a hot fix.

That said I'd love to see them hopefully earmark more and more resources for post-release support with each new game so they can support the competitive scenes for longer.