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Post-Stream Notes from Ed Boon @ UFGTX: Balance, Mortal Kombat, Streams, Character Variety, E3


Joker waiting room
Then I should see any more Black Adam vs Wonder Woman on the Greek scene! Sweet.
It seems it's frowned upon to play BA to move from a 7-3 to 6-4 matchup vs the at-the-time second best WW pre-october patch in tournament grand finals. Even after beating said WW in pools in that 7-3 MU.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
It seems it's frowned upon to play BA to move from a 7-3 to 6-4 matchup vs the at-the-time second best WW pre-october patch in tournament grand finals. Even after beating said WW in pools in that 7-3 MU.
I'm just fuckin with ya man lol. Nothing wrong with doing what you gotta do to win.
I found it really interesting is during the stream he was quick to correct the person interviewing him that he and Warner Bros. were going to be at E3 when the interviewer said NRS would be at E3.


That's about right.
I missed the interview, so thanks for the briefing. Good news that he will be at E3. I'm pretty excited about the show as is.


Joker waiting room
Well of course they have beaches! Chongo's so stupid. I knew that because I am a fan of Valerie Quennessen (R.I.P.), and her filming a movie on a greek beach in Santorini, Greece.
There's N1kolass from our scene who is in the US for business atm and he last told me he was planning on visiting GGA, has he made it yet?

He can tell you all about Greece and Gyros.


I love what he said about designing characters - something to the effect of "it's like laying out a pallette" for the players or "giving them a piano" and getting to watch them play and see what they can do with it. Nrs makes such unique and diverse characters, I really like that creative and player focused approach.
I like the approach Ed Boon laid out when it comes to balance. They really want to see as much of the cast used as possible. What I got out of this interview is that in the next game, they are going to look more into buffing the low tier as compared to just nerfing the top of the crop.

I'd say it's a smart move. What gets people exited for patches is not as much seeing a said character nerfed, but the lower tier also being able to hold their own against the best characters. Nerfing the top tier is good, but seeing characters that struggle able to compete breathes new life into the game. I hope more emphasis goes toward aiding low tier characters as compared to dealing with the top (which should still be done, just more focus on low tier characters).