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Poll - What do you think of MK11?

What do you think of MK11???

  • Fantastic - one of the bet MK titles!

    Votes: 88 45.4%
  • It's Good

    Votes: 58 29.9%
  • It's average

    Votes: 30 15.5%
  • It's Poor

    Votes: 12 6.2%
  • Terrible - one of the worst titles!

    Votes: 6 3.1%

  • Total voters
I've said this in other places, even to the WB accessibility team. I love the gameplay, super fun. The progression or lack there of is a real turn off though. I just want brutalities, and I can't access the krypt which I've now found is stopping me from completing a scorpion character tower as well.


Pew pew pew
I like the gameplay for the most part. Ridiculous pressure and offense is still there for characters, but you have to work a little more in order to apply it. Flawless block is a cool mechanic and the defensive options via meter are varied and diverse.

My biggest issue is shared with many, and it is how "boring" most of the cast is. It feels like they designed complete characters with interesting and diverse options, and then gutted them and stitched the leftovers back together for tournament variations. The good thing is that this is theoretically an easy fix, but it remains to be seen if NRS will give in and let us have custom variations for competitive play.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Best game ever however I do have 1 complaint!
The combo limitations need to go. Every character can only do short lackluster braindead combos that an 8 year old can pull off. This will make the game stale very quick for me and many others. I love the neutral focus and awesome graphics and customization for Characters and hope tournament variations either become custom or have 5 variations with at least combo heavy load out in one of them.


I voted “good” because of the grind and because I can’t turn fatal blows off. I’m already so tired of seeing fatal blows that I don’t even want to play the game.


Love the gameplay and all, but hate the fact that as a PC player:
  • I still haven't been able to experience the game with the latest updates
  • I get constant desyncs when playing online
  • I get audio issues all the time
I want to love it, but in this state I simply can't