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Poll - What do you think of MK11?

What do you think of MK11???

  • Fantastic - one of the bet MK titles!

    Votes: 88 45.4%
  • It's Good

    Votes: 58 29.9%
  • It's average

    Votes: 30 15.5%
  • It's Poor

    Votes: 12 6.2%
  • Terrible - one of the worst titles!

    Votes: 6 3.1%

  • Total voters


Agent of Chaosrealm
I love the fact that I don't have to touch PvP in order to unlock stuff, but the ToT are shit - way too difficult for a semi-casual like who doesn't have the time and patience to master 60% ToD combos and that shit.

Gameplay wise, the classic towers, the graphics, the presentation … everything is amazing.

All the ToT bullshit could be fixed if they could have six difficulty levels, so that you pick your preferable difficulty, still have to grind, but won't feel like torment by doing so.
It's not as fun as mk9 or mkx. Not even close, characters all feel pretty lacking. Combo potential is pretty lacking.
I noticed that combo potential is a little lacking as well so far, then again, I've only been playing Kitana so far. But usually I'm able to find something, so far I've only really been able to find 1 combo that hits 9.


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
Based on gameplay, it's a little above average. I already like it more than MKX but I don't see it mechanically surpassing what I liked about MK9. The structure of EVERYTHING outside of gameplay is absolutely abysmal. At this point, I'm completely writing off anything besides practice mode and online matches. I love that they tried to expand the MK experience beyond that, but to put it behind the progression system that they did makes no sense to me. I have to agree with Maximillion on this one. It feels like a predatory mobile game where they pulled the lootbox system right before launch without replacing it with anything. As of right now, only 54% of Steam reviews are positive, and the majority of the negative reviews aren't focusing on gameplay.
My biggest complaint about the game is ronda rouseys voice acting. She couldve used some emotion, not just monotone. Im embracing the grind that apparently lots of people are furious about. Another thing would be, imo, that in the krypt, i would have liked to see them place the caera a little further away or distance adjustable so you can take in the design of the island better and see things you might otherwise miss. Everything else is amazing and i see a possible nrs full blown rpg in the future


At the heart and sole of it, the game is about fighting and they knocked it out if the park in MK11, so kudos for that.

BUT! the game as a whole package is kinda jacked for the time being. I liked the towers and krypts before, not so much in this game. I've stated in other posts that I REALLY don't like the modifiers and would like to be able to progress through the game without having to endure that shit show.

Ultimately - it's good, but the draw to me at least is playing online, and fighting my custom looking fighters. The major flaw to this game is you can't customize anything (which was arguabley the main draw and new feature for this installment) without wading through the BS.

Hopefully they'll patch it and fix it. Or... Let me spend $20 and unlock everything like in MKX!

I still like MK9 the best as that's one of my favorite games ever, but to me MK11 does beat MKX


RIP Akira Toriyama
  • Gameplay-wise: best MK ever, by far. Love it.
  • Content: awesome. Love the Time Towers, Krypt, customization. Great replayability.
  • Story: below average. Too much focus on Special Forces, Briggs/Cages. Don't give a fuck about their family drama's. Bring Tobias back.
  • Roster: 8 out of 10 for me. Again, half the SF were redundant while we have the likes of Nightwolf, Sindel, Rain, Cyrax.
All in all I have been playing non-stop and love the game. Well done, NRS.


My blades will find your heart
Disclaimer: I have zero interest in the single player content and am not going to bother commenting on it. Based on the gameplay and fights alone I would give it about a 7-7.5/10:

  • Game is slower and more neutral based, which I like.
  • The flawless block system is a neat idea for an MK game, I think it will give defense a lot of depth
  • I'm actually glad they toned down offense. Having everyone have safe blockstrings, 50/50s into 50/50s, and a whole bunch of other crap got annoying to play
  • The Krushing Blow system is good, but the animations can be a bit annoying
  • The air roll thingy and roll moves are interesting enough but also have a lot of options to deal with them
  • The wakeup moves are ok. I like not giving armor to the launching one, gives a reason to use both.
  • The game overall feels good. The moves have enough impact and the animations are smoother than previous games.
  • I'm having fun playing the game.
  • I don't like the new meter system. I don't mind separating offense and defense meter, but making them cooldowns and taking out meter building takes out a lot of depth and makes the meter system more boring.
  • I hate fatal blows. Not only are they long and boring after the first time seeing them, but they just make the end of a round more slow. Having an armored 40% attack with no downsides (no idea why you don't lose it if you whiff it or it gets blocked) is a dumb idea.
  • Tournament variations for a lot of characters make no sense and seem slapped together. Some are good but others just don't make sense synergy wise.
  • The characters are too simple. I get that they wanted to simplify everything and make it more about fundamentals, but I think they went too far in that direction. The combos are all pretty simple, and a lot of characters just feel samey. Some variations barely have any specials, and overall the characters just feel really barebones for a fighting game.
  • This might just be me not seeing the option, but I HATE that you can't look at the enemies movelist when you are trying to record things in training mode. Makes testing things such a pain. I very well may be missing something though.
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The gameplay is good, I still have some issues with it like the breakaway system, replenishing meter, the fatal blows both their general idea and how fucking long they drag in matches (just everything about fatal blows is awful), and what not but it's still good, The changes from the beta were in the right direction. Visually it's good too, the game is very pretty.

Everything else beside those 2 is terrible. The roster is honestly lacking, I would have much rather had some old school characters over any of the new ones and the returning ones from X, beside Cassie but she could have simply replaced Sonya and we be gucci. Seriously why the fuck do we need some many special forces again? They're the least interesting people in the game. In a world where we have monsters with 4 arms, sorcerers, monks with incredible power, ninjas, and whatever the fuck else NRS keeps shoving every single SF moron down our throat. The krypt sucks ass, the towers of time suck ass, the story sucks ass, the unlock system sucks ass, the tournament variations suck ass and play terribly after playing freely,

I can't think of a single fighting game since I got hooked on SF II at the arcades back in 91-92 (and then MK1) where I spent more time watching the AI fight than spend the time playing it myself.


haha shokan queen go down up
The mental gymnastics you have to be capable of in order to call MK11 anything below good is extremely impressive. Whatever your thoughts and views are about the grind and Krypt.


Cybernetic Conquistador
It's hard to answer such a basic question. In some ways it's great and in some ways it's incredibly stupid. The graphics are incredible. The gameplay looks amazing and feels pretty good. I've really enjoyed story mode. I think the game is pretty fun.

On the other hand, I hate variations because of how much it limits each version of the character. So many iconic moves (ice clone?) are missing entirely. The customization we were promised was a lie and simple palette swaps do not count as skins.

So in some ways, this is the best MK game yet. In other ways, it's far behind 9.
This is the first MK I've played since Trilogy, and I love it. I'm awful, but I can definitely see myself sticking with it long enough to become less awful.

I haven't touched story or Towers of Time yet (waiting on the patch for the latter), but the Krypt is fun, even with the random chest placement.


It’s funny because competitive players are extremely upset about the variation system/lack of customization

And the casuals are raging about the towers of time etc.. it was like the perfect shit storm for nrs


Best in the West
I voted for Good. Mostly because of the criteria I'd judge it on--

Roster: 7/10, the roster sees the return of some highly requested veterans like Noob Saibot, Skarlet, Jade, Kabal, and Baraka. A few new fighters, however only one of them really stood out to me as promising for future titles. Geras feels like a one-off due to him being an underling to Kronika specifically. Without her being in future titles, the likelihood of him being there is low too. Cetrion was a neat idea, but executed horribly. Kollector was a great idea and is a very fun and unique addition, we've never really had a character like him, he feels like he can do everything you'd ever want in a balanced manor. I'd love to see him return in the next game with more story built upon him and the Naknadan race.

However, a problem I have with the roster is similar to the one I had with MKX. It's still oversaturated by... simpleness? Jax, Jacqui, Johnny, Sonya, Cassie, and Kano are in it yet again. They did do a better job at setting the kids apart from parents, but it still doesn't feel like it's enough. It made sense for the kids and parents to be in MKX, but now I feel like they should either retire the parent figures and focus on the kids or vice versa. Seems like they've chosen to shelf the kids for the next game though. I honestly would prefer the former though, I think that Sonya, Jax, Johnny, and Kano have been done enough for the time being, we could do a game without them.

DLC can really make or break it for me. The DLC in MKX was kinda disappointing for me. Bo' Rai Cho, Tanya, and Leatherface were really uninteresting imo and I wish they picked other characters like Havik, Fujin, Kintaro, etc... Since the DLC roster has mostly been leaked, I can give my thoughts on it a little early, and it looks promising. Score could raise a bit after DLC.

Story: 4/10, really, really disappointed in the story. They were building something really great in this story and at the end just threw it all away. It was a HUGE buzzkill imo and really destroyed a lot of effort they'd put into making an actual good storyline. Besides that, there were some... glaring plot holes and rule breaking in the story as well. Not much else to say.

Hoping MK12 gives us something along the lines of MK9. I'm really itching to have a story like that again.

Gameplay/Mechanics: 8/10, I love the addition of Krushing blows and Fatal blows. Only gripe I have with this is I do miss the insane and flashy combos from previous games and the slower speed of the game has been kinda difficult for me to adapt to, lol. Otherwise I think it's probably the best we've gotten thus far. The kustomization system could be better. I wish it was gear pieces like in Injustice 2 rather than 3 customizable parts and skins. It's still really good, but I wish it was a shader system + gear choices for each body part + weapons/accessories.

Modes: 6/10, I LOVED the Krypt. It's been a lot of fun exploring Shang Tsung's island ruins and seeing all the easter eggs and bits of lore here and there. Klassic Towers is always fun, but I wish completing them with a character unlocked a skin as well as their ending. I don't really have motivation to do them now, I can just look at the endings on YouTube and be done with it. No incentive. Then we get to why I knocked off 4 points-- the economy and Towers of Time. It's pretty self-explanatory but I hope after the changes coming soon that it'll be less of a pain and a chore to do and actually feel fun. Score could change to an 8 or even a 9 if they go about it the way they should.

Rounding my score out rn it would be a 6.25/10, and sure that sounds like a score for 'decent' but I'm mostly calling it good because I really don't want the negative to outweigh the positive so much that it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. So far the positives are looking promising and the negatives can for the most part be fixed in later patches.
Love it. Few issues and of course balancing needs to be fixed a little, also the d1 mashing can be excessive.

I don’t like load outs, they’re weird and complicated in terms of being cosmetics to ranked. I also don’t like lack of rewards for playing against real people.

I also don’t like the fact tag team is practically in the game... not how we would want it.
extremely disappointed. characters have like 7-9 strings at most and 2-4 special moves and feel very one-dimensional and boring. to me this is sfv all over again. although they've tried to make the gameplay in general more honest it's also become extremely bland (which is exactly what happened with sfv, as well as also suffering from extremely reduced combo variety.)

tournament variations are also pointless imo. in mkx variations drastically altered character playstyles (summoner quan vs sorcerer, sun kotal vs war, aftershock tremor vs crystal etc.) but here they remove one special move and slap on another and bam.

Syd Barrett Lives

Italian Psychopath
I'm conflicted about it.

  • I'm starting to get the hang of the gameplay and I sure like it a lot more than MKX.
  • From a technical standpoint it's amazing: graphics, sound, everything. On that regard it's easily the best fighting game ever.
  • I like the art design overall but it seems a bit too "clean" for a MK game, maybe it lacks a bit of character.
  • I get what they were after with Fatal Blows, but I would have preferred them to be shorter and/or to be not repeatable if you miss
  • story mode was awesome to look at but the plot was a mess
  • the kustom variation system is a great idea on paper and I love the concept but I think it could have been implemented better and not using it in tournaments it's a big missed opportuny IMHO
  • tying progression to towers of time it's not a great thing for players that mostly play online like me
  • we already said all there is to say about the gear unlocks
  • I'm disappointed there's no secrets or fun stuff to discover whatsoever
I'm voting "it's good" because overall it is, hoping that in time they're gonna fix at least a couple of those negatives, but honestly I'm a bit disappointed cause I would have wanted to vote that it's the best game ever.
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Corrupted Shinnok

Final Boss
The story is disappointing because...

...Dark Raiden is gone.
...Cages and Briggs are annoying and they are featured way too much.
...Kronika brings back some characters from the past including Shao Kahn. Mileena and Sindel - the only characters that Shao Kahn cares about - don't return and Shao Kahn doesn't ask why.
...Shao Kahn becomes Kronika's lackey and he's killed by Kitana. His death was as bad as Mileena's death in MKX.
...Kronika and Cetrion fail to restore Shinnok or they forget about him.
...Shinnok's Amulet is dropped by Raiden just like that, what happened to it?
...Quan Chi and Shang Tsung aren't brought back. Given that Quan Chi is a sorcerer and also Shinnok's buddy, he would've helped Kronika.
...Cyrax's death is stupid af.
...Scorpion's death is also stupid af.
...The ending is a shitfest. Cetrion sacrificing herself for Kronika, revenants still fighting humans, Liu Kang and Raiden merging, Liu Kang becoming a God and Raiden becoming a human, Kronika's death looking awful.


Motor City Warrior
Not making the tournament loadouts the default or at least able to be accessed in free training still chaps my ass.
Right now it's d1, d2, throw for days. d2 is stupid good for what it can do.
Geras is boring AF
Several bugs in tutorial

Despite all this, game is fantastic. Damn good for a release.


Honestly the best MK game ever, imo.
It's not perfect, some stuff would be nice to have tweaked a bit here and there, but overall it's my favourite game.
This might just be me not seeing the option, but I HATE that you can't look at the enemies movelist when you are trying to record things in training mode
This is annoying but you can get around it by unpausing after selecting the record option and then repausing.

For some reason it doesn't update until the pause screen is closed and reappears.