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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange

Alright, I would love to check that list out. I got most of the common OU pokes, except I am in need of a stall bulbasaur and a ferroseed with stealth rocks and spikes. Other than that, just looking less common competitive pokes.
5 IV darmanitan, noivern, protean greninja, gale wings talonflame, smeargle, Scizor, Gengar (disable), meowstic, kangaskhan, charizard, rotom, gastrodon, lucario (bullet punch, blaze kick), bannette (destiny bond), chansey (aromatherapy/seismic toss), mammoswine, Heracross, Machop (3 elemental punches + quick guard), whimsicott (fake tears), vullaby (roost, foul play), ninetales, sceptile, houndoom, volcarona, excadrill, Meowth (iron tail/hypnosis), magnezone, malamar, furfrou, cloyster (rock blast), gliscor (baton pass), absol, diglett (reversal), snorlax (pursuit), ponyta (Hypnosis), wailmer, togepi (nasty plot), staryu, beldum, goomy, shuckle, and meditate at the moment. Any of those appeal to you? Haha


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Just finished up one of two new teams. Pretty excited about this one though, I think it's going to turn out really well.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I have no idea why but none of my items were working. That was really weird. That alakazam had a sash and it didnt get used. My kyurems life orb wasnt working either.