Alright, I got my list of pokemon that I want. (for now)
Umbreon - Impish - Synchronize
Wish; Heal Bell; Foul Play; Toxic
Eevee - Calm - Anticipation
252 HP, 252 Sp Defense, 4 Defense
Wish; Heal Bell; Hyper Voice; Charm
Conkeldurr - Adamant - Iron Fist
248 HP, 252 Attack, 8 Sp Defense
Drain/Mach/Ice Punch; Knock Off
Weavile - Jolly - Pressure
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense
Knock Off, Ice Shard/Punch, Low Kick
Landorus - Adamant - Sand Force (turning this to therian when I get the chance)
Earthquake, Stone Edge, U Turn, Knock Off
Gardevoir - Modest - Trace
Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast