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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Well if you just need pokes with last gen moves I can make that happen pretty easy. It takes about an hour but it works. I can make a clo e of it in gen vi, i just cant adjust natures abilities or ivs ince i make the transfer to x and y. I can essentially get you anything, but some things take longer than others.
All right then...I should have a layout of what I want tomorrow.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Had the most intense battle this morning. Lost my sweepers super early and had to Rely on my banded T-Tar to clean up my mess. Thankfully he did. Had him wallbreak the shit outa his gastradon lol.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Just a head's up, everyone's stuff is just about done:

@TakeAChance Still waiting on you to pick up yer ferroseed.

@ShadowBeatz I have yer vivillon bred just need to hack the pattern when I get home.

@NRF CharlieMurphy I have everything except yer gyarados and that's cuz I have to fix that thing up in my copy of white 2 and send it over. I'll have it by tonight.

If I missed anyone please let me know. I've been very busy getting ready for a move lately so it's possible I forgot some pokes.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Just a head's up, everyone's stuff is just about done:

@TakeAChance Still waiting on you to pick up yer ferroseed.

@ShadowBeatz I have yer vivillon bred just need to hack the pattern when I get home.

@NRF CharlieMurphy I have everything except yer gyarados and that's cuz I have to fix that thing up in my copy of white 2 and send it over. I'll have it by tonight.

If I missed anyone please let me know. I've been very busy getting ready for a move lately so it's possible I forgot some pokes.
prepare to recieve many a kanga/crogunk/bagon


The Ignore Button Is Free
Anyone online that can help me get slurpuff?

Also, Timid Compound Eyes Scatterbug, Timid Drought Vulpix With Extrasensory, Heatwave and Hypnosis, Jolly Poison Touch Croagunk with Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, and Fake Out, and Adamant Unburden Swirlix with Belly Drum are available to share.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Anyone online that can help me get slurpuff?

Also, Timid Compound Eyes Scatterbug, Timid Drought Vulpix With Extrasensory, Heatwave and Hypnosis, Jolly Poison Touch Croagunk with Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, and Fake Out, and Adamant Unburden Swirlix with Belly Drum are available to share.
Ooh...Poison Touch Croagunk...I may have to pounce on that :)


Meet your fate...
Hi! I have not been to this part of the forums yet, and I would really like to introduce myself to the avid pokemon players among us here at TYM.
I am a major fan of both Injustice and the Pokemon franchise, so to see such an active pokemon forum at TYM made me thrilled! Since I live in Norway and do not have a FGC scene nor competitive pokemon scene around my location, I would really enjoy adding some of you to play/trade over wifi.

My FC is: 5257 - 9931 - 2542, and my name/tag is Steffen :)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Hi! I have not been to this part of the forums yet, and I would really like to introduce myself to the avid pokemon players among us here at TYM.
I am a major fan of both Injustice and the Pokemon franchise, so to see such an active pokemon forum at TYM made me thrilled! Since I live in Norway and do not have a FGC scene nor competitive pokemon scene around my location, I would really enjoy adding some of you to play/trade over wifi.

My FC is: 5257 - 9931 - 2542, and my name/tag is Steffen :)
Welcome, and I'm gonna add you right meow good sir. My FC is in the OP. :)


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Okay. So i have to ask. Can someone explain to me the different levels for pokemon. Like explain to me whats OU,UU,RU, etc.


Meet your fate...
Okay. So i have to ask. Can someone explain to me the different levels for pokemon. Like explain to me whats OU,UU,RU, etc.
OU = Overused, UU = Underused, RU = Rarelyused, NU = Neverused. They decide which pokemon who is in the tiers by user statistics and play testing to ensure that it is not overutilized, and making the meta centered around that pokemon.