I wasn't disagreeing about the coverage. I said strictly from a standpoint of needing flying moves on your team, talonflame is the way to go hands down. Again, it just depends on the needs of your team. The only thing I need my talonfalme for is pivoting, revenge killing, and late game sweeping. I have Will-O-Wisp instead of roost just in case I need that support for something like Aegislash or something. Banding him doesn't really hurt him as much as you'd think. If you send him in know they are about to throw in a Heatran, zapdos or Rotom then you just U-turn out and send in the counter. It's different if you are coming off of a revenge kill, but hey that's why you have 5 other pokes to help you out. Staraptor can have the coverage, but with a life orb it's going to suffer a lot more at the hands of things like scarfchomp, scarfernape, scarfcadrill and a lot of other sweeper/wallbreakers that can hurt really badly and are very VERY common in the OU metagame. I'm not saying to not use Staraptor because he's a very good poke, I'm just saying if you are going to use it just for brave bird, then don't...pick Fawkes lol.