If I use kenshi vs dizzy or curbo? MU is 9-1 or 8-2
if you guys do its 7-3 their adv
Prove me wrong
This is very true, tierlist stuff only really apply on the highest level. There are alot of people just hiding behind M.U numbers. And LBSH too many scrub/average players wants to shove their input into stuff. So we end up with alot of stupid "data" and numbers too. You(Kenshi) vs Dizzy(Cage)
is one M.U, You vs Random Cage is another. And 2 Scrubby Cage's are another M.U.
And no one ever has the balls to say this,
is that a lot of the "fish masters", the best players with the fish, are simply not that good
everyone knows it but doesnt want to say it
if you're fundamentally good and could place top 8, you've likely dropped your fish and play a top 15 character at this point
so the "Best" with guys like Noob, stryker, baraka, ect tend to be fairly weak players.