What resolution were you playing at before?Okay so I've noticed that since I changed my settings to be at 1920x1080 @60hz it made my performance almost perfect. Before it was at 59Hz.
What resolution were you playing at before?Okay so I've noticed that since I changed my settings to be at 1920x1080 @60hz it made my performance almost perfect. Before it was at 59Hz.
1920x1080 but for some reason it was locked at 59hz.What resolution were you playing at before?
Huh, good stuff.1920x1080 but for some reason it was locked at 59hz.
I heard some talking that majority of PC players are not playing online and are focusing on SP modes.Had a lot of difficulty finding online matches today. Or is it just me? Is the playerbase dying?
I've only ever played Kompetitive Kasual. It suddenly got a lot harder to find people people when KL started. There seems to have been some sort of player migration over that direction, and everyone seems to have what I'm assuming is a KL related icon now but me.I've heard that Kombat League is the only way to get matches, outside of private games pre-arranged, on PC. Not sure if that's true or not; haven't touched Online still.
For souls being lost, did you happen to use the Forge during that run through the Krypt?hello , sorry again for the super late feedback concerning two issues
1- the white artifact is still present until nvidia new driver comes out.
2- 3 weeks later now and i still haven't got a response from WB concerning the crafted souls stolen in the krypt. and yes ive sent a followup by email to them and they seems to ignore my emails.
this issue is 100% still in the build i went today from 11 k to 5 k souls just after opening 3 soul chests.
yes . the bug occurs if you forge souls then open soul chests.For souls being lost, did you happen to use the Forge during that run through the Krypt?
From what I've heard, and I may be wrong, is that you're actually not loosing souls. When you forge an item, it apparently doesn't deduct the souls from your pool; they are gone, but the number of souls left that you see has not been adjusted. So it's a display error and you're actually not loosing souls.yes . the bug occurs if you forge souls then open soul chests.
I can't speak for Injustice 2 as I never played it, but what you first described I did not experience. I do occassionally have frame issues at boot up for a little, but that's far less common now. Overall, I've noticed the game's performance has improved a lot over the last few weeks, and I have no idea why since there's been no patch or anything.MK11 is still the first fighting game I've seen where the game is booted up and running but when you get into fights at first it still has to actually load different animations of like specials as they happen (making for a jerkiness).After that it smoothens out.
And the game definitely runs heavier, crunchier than Injustice 2...I dunno why. I sometimes wonder if its own brand of "always online" has something to do with issues it can have.
What anit-cheat was that? Denuvo? It was stated on the Steam page that it shipped with it before launch, so I think it was in the game from the get-go.i blame the integration of the anti cheat
not a DRM an anti cheat cause people where using the cheat engine to unlock stuff so in the few last patches they introduced an anti cheat wich is the start of all the performance issues that occursWhat anit-cheat was that? Denuvo? It was stated on the Steam page that it shipped with it before launch, so I think it was in the game from the get-go.
Ah, that could explain a good bit then.not a DRM an anti cheat cause people where using the cheat engine to unlock stuff so in the few last patches they introduced an anti cheat wich is the start of all the performance issues that occurs
thanks for the feedback man, where is the crying emoticon TYM ? fuck manFYI nVidia released driver 431.36 today, and the white/green flickering is still cited as a known issue, so it's not fixed yet.