That's what I noticed, It is like dashes were irrelevant during the exhibitions, except for extending combos I think. The jumps look floaty, imo, because they are frog jumps, they should go back to the roll jumps from MK9, just go back to the stream and compare the jumps from Scorpion and Raiden. I remember the uppercuts from MK1,2,3 they felt powerful!... dashes seem a bit slow. Jumps seem incrediby floaty, and upercuts still look like they have since Injustice 1, with no strenght behind them, wich is true for a few other moves as well...
Considering that Street Fighter dropped the ball completely with SFV, I'd say that if MK11 turns out successful and as footsies heavy as it looked in the reveal, the only people being snobby about MK will be in denial.It looks like it's a real contender for a 'serious' fighter and might finally get people to stop being so snobby about NRS games. Less emphasis on dial-a-combo, less armor, 50/50s are much more unsafe, stronger footsies -- I'm excited to see how it develops at a high level.
That's what I was suggesting way back during the MKX era, Chaos Code has a similar system, it even let you choose between dash or run. I hope they ammend this but it looks set to me.I was very much hoping for like "Here's 6-9 cool things, you have a base moveset and you can pick 3 from the list" or something.
You read my mind! This is exactly the scenario I was thinking about, I think we will get our answer once the beta is up running and people start giving feedback. Let's hope it resembles more MK9 than Injustice.Honestly I feel like this can go two completely different ways with no middle ground. The first way is that this ends up feeling too slow and too zoning based, too far in the opposite direction of mortal kombat in general. The game ends up being boring to watch because of this, the in match cinematics drag on, lack of customized variation in tournament mode means virtually no variation, lack of long combos means less swaggy in general, and overall they went so opposite of mkx they went too far. The second scenario is that this slowed gameplay is going to reward footies in the best way possible, make for a more strategic and entertaining match because their isnt as much cheese as mkx/9, the new mechanics create more in depth strategies and create a high skill ceiling, being able to get hands on experience and lab with characters we still get some "longer" cool combos, and ultimately this comes out as the mortal kombat that balances what it is good at with being a good esport fighting game
I don’t know, it works well for some but not really for others.Does anyone else dislike the fatality freeze frames? IMO they take away from the fatality because we don’t get to see the aftermath of the kill
yeah, there is the god damn flip stance button ! I saw it in one of the gameplay videos in Youtube .... incredible how NRS did not get rid of it yet ! useless bullshit , heheDo someone knows if there is still a stance button? I really want to know if they get rid of it once and for all.
5:19i dont see the completely stream,
any video of mk11 subzero on youtube_??
i cant find it
My exact impressions. I’m more excited than ever!WAAAAAY better than I was expecting. I was expecting more shitty MKX/Injustice shenanigans.
But it looks more like MK9 (aka... FOOTSIES BASED).
I'm so fucking hype!
Did they? i thought only cosmetics would be unlockable.My main trepidation
They already confirmed that.
To be honest, i think he said that he feels that this is going to be the case.When did he say this? Man this would fuckinnn SUUUUUCK. This was exactly what I DONT want. Keep the augmented gear away from competitive, fine, but the variation customization? Why cant that be in?