Just picked up sun god kotal. Here are some combos I have written down on my phone. Some I've gotten from here and there, some I came up on my own(I'm not claiming any combos). So I'm Just gonna post here in case anyone is interested.
*feel free to substitute b14 for a string of your preference*
F2x3, b14 sun choke
B122, ex suntoss
F34, ex sun toss
4, ex airgrab, f2, b14 sun choke
F2, NJP, f2x2, b14 sun choke
F2, NJP, f2x2, b14 Ex air grab, f1 sun choke or airgrab
F2, NJP, f2, f1 X-ray
114 ex air grab, f2, b14 sun choke
F2x3, d1x3, 114 sun choke
F2x3, d1x3, 114 ex air grab, b14 air grab or sunchoke
F2x3, d1x3, 114 sun choke
F2x3, b122, sun choke
B122, ex air grab, f2, f1 air grab or sun choke
....I'll finish this list later on(tomorrow). I'm going to bed.