I'm in for tomorrow or wednesday. Either work with me. Let me know what's going on.
Also PC patch tomorrow. Hopefully will make the game playable for people like me who have PCs that should theoretically run the game but somehow can't?
Hey, I'm down to host sometime but i've just been too busy to play lately. May's a crazy month for me. I'll keep you all posted if I can make it out to any events or host but I wouldn't count on me hosting for the next little while.
We will set something up for this weekend, keep checking this thread for info. I know I can host again but people been having a hard time getting to my place maybe Chris could host this weekend, if not I probably can host either Sat or Sun.
I'll need to see if I can find time one of these days to actually partake in any of these. Schedules are hell. D: I assume people still play at the Gonq?