Do you know what english grammar is? Punctuation? Are you out of high school? In no way did i compare low profiling to slavery, i pointed out that the concept of saying something has been around for a long time or forever so why change it os dumb which it is. I couldve said mcdonalds has been around forever or donald trump or anything else that sucks thats been around for too long. Use your brain.
Comparison [kuh m-par-uh-suh n] noun:
a likening; illustration by similitude.
2) the considering of two things with regard to some characteristic that is common to both
That's right out of any English dictionary.
The mention of slavery in this thread was non-existent until you brought it up:
Slavery has been around forever too bud, doesnt mean it needs to stay around.
Do you know what
English grammar is? Do you know why that "too" is in your sentence? I know why. It's because you were quoting JesterSMX who said:
[lo-profiling has] been around forever...
Well there you have it. You're quoting a post that directly talks about low-profiling being around forever, and stating that slavery "too" has been around forever, but neither are concepts you support. Effectively comparing the two, by definition.