I never really liked how slow UMK3 was either.
IMO, it feels like every normal in the game is clunky aside from jabs. And why is it when you're spamming down to duck and go back to neutral very quickly, it has like 15 frames of recovery transition if you do something like tap DOWN and then let your character go up on it's own? That's ridiculous. In almost every other fighting game, it takes 1 frame to transition into crouch and vice versa - extremely smooth with no delay. I'm also not a fan of the horrid walk speed that is very Injustice-esque. Most times it feels like you HAVE to jump or run to get rid of the muddy water feel and it's a slight turn off. It's almost like an involuntary switch of needing to either run or jump to maneuver properly. Sometimes you really don't understand how frustrating the movement can be in this game when you only touch ninja teleporters 1% of the time, lol.
Also things like hitting an opponent with a cr.HK and then them being able to run up and do their knee starter WHILE you're still recovering after hitting them is just.... Why? The awkward clunkiness in this game really needs to go.
In the grand scheme of things, most people just don't like slow. For me it's a personal pet peeve and I dislike when a game has slow features of core components that are slow.
IMO, it feels like every normal in the game is clunky aside from jabs. And why is it when you're spamming down to duck and go back to neutral very quickly, it has like 15 frames of recovery transition if you do something like tap DOWN and then let your character go up on it's own? That's ridiculous. In almost every other fighting game, it takes 1 frame to transition into crouch and vice versa - extremely smooth with no delay. I'm also not a fan of the horrid walk speed that is very Injustice-esque. Most times it feels like you HAVE to jump or run to get rid of the muddy water feel and it's a slight turn off. It's almost like an involuntary switch of needing to either run or jump to maneuver properly. Sometimes you really don't understand how frustrating the movement can be in this game when you only touch ninja teleporters 1% of the time, lol.
Also things like hitting an opponent with a cr.HK and then them being able to run up and do their knee starter WHILE you're still recovering after hitting them is just.... Why? The awkward clunkiness in this game really needs to go.
In the grand scheme of things, most people just don't like slow. For me it's a personal pet peeve and I dislike when a game has slow features of core components that are slow.