Erading between the lines? No wonder you're a former analyst.
You: "I read online that people think the XBOX is trashbags and stuff. The console is going to completely fail because people complain on the internet and I can read between the lines."
Client: "Here is your check, awesome analyst guy. M$ is dead forever. You are an excellent analyst even though you never link to data, nor are you capable of proofreading your own posts."
You: "Proofing is for sissies."
Here's the random retort: You have no idea what you are talking about. I seriously doubt your "credentials" (lol army analyst), you have not linked to any third party source that lends credibility to your statement, the statement that the console is "doomed" and that "nobody wants" it. Developers do not appear to believe the console is "doomed", publishers do not appear to believe the console is "doomed", stockholders do not believe the console is "doomed", so your assertion that it is indeed "doomed" has absolutely no basis in reality. You're parroting internet noise, which is at odds with current market trends toward all-in-one devices like the XB1.
But please, appeal more to your imagined authority on this subject, and tell us how you learned so much about sales trends in the electronic entertainment industry while you were doing situps in the army. That's my favorite story.
Again you want to impose how superior you are to me, which still proves nothing. Also sending insults towards me destroys any form of credibility, the fact that you have to point out a typo only makes you further more arrogant in your point and claim. Look I present no sources for I don't need to, in order to trully prove my assessment to you it would take hours to even show what data I have collected on the claim, as I said I haven't have the time for it nor do I feel the need to prove any form of superiority over you. Once again look at what you started over a stupid random joke in the first place, because you are trying to bully me into saying your right, which you are neither wrong or right, you are showing opinions.
Also I was Navy not Army and your little insult about why I am no longer an analyst, if you must know I had to leave the service due to a medical condition, but I guess again you just know me so well. Just stop I have valid information in the end of this, because I don't follow one or two journalistic articles which by their nature are biased, instead I look beyond that and actually factor in the bigger picture, which you still failed to do.
If you don't mind I would like for you to end your dick measuring contest, because in your mind you will always be right and no one else can say otherwise. Also your being arrogant and simply by your attitude on here and judging by other posts you have made to others on the site I can assess you are obvisouly a more priviledged individual who believes he must show everyone how important and smart they are, when in the end all you show is pure ignorence. I know you will have to say somethng simply, because you cannot leave well enough alone, but as far as I am concerned I'm done listening to you arrogance.