No need to be negative on everything. This game already feels way more enjoyable than MK11, creativity as they mentioned is insane, it is not all about extending combos, how to open up your opponents, how to get extra plus frames, how to make unsafe things safe, how to set traps, how to control the screen etc etc. Kameos are not that simple, every Kameo means a New way to discover all things that i mentioned above, try a New Kameo and discover New combos for example, my only concern is while playing KOF 99-01 era there was like only 5 toptier assist characters that everyone using, it was hella unbalanced, i hope and kinda sure NRS can do a better job on balancing them. 16 kameos at the start means 16 different ways to level-up your characters, so those kameos are kinda working like variations but this time fun is allowed. Possibilities, counter picking options, players with very different playstyles, for example we might have 4 Sub-Zero's in Top8 but everyone could come with very different ideas, combos, pressures and defenses. Big question is the speed of the game, not just me, even K&M, Sonic Fox and the other well known faces of the community expecting a solution for this and i hope NRS wouldn't dissappoint us about that. Current speed of the game just doesn't match with what the game is actually offering. Creativity, extended combos, endless possibilities but in the stress test we had to do those with the movement of 80-90 years old elder ppl. Except movement, throws takes too much time and it is really annoying.