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[Oct 27, 2012] 9.95's 2nd 24 Hour Charity Stream! October 27th, 8am - October... (Phil's House!)


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Thanks everyone who donated. Thanks Bass for the donation for me vs reo, sorry I suck as does my connection. This was once again an awesome event Phil, you're a great member of the community!
This stream was so fucking awesome. Great Job Phil, was an awesome time. Watched most of the day yesterday until I passed out lol.

Hope something like this happens again.


Short and quick thank you. I'm EXTREMELY tired right now as I only got the chance to sleep for about 3 hours before I was awakened and informed that the animal shelter my wife and I volunteer at was evacuating due to the impending hurricane. We just got back now after spending a few hours helping them move animals, cages, crates, etc.

Shoutouts to all who donated, all who watched and supported and my fellow co-hosts and guests.

I'll have a more in depth write up tomorrow. For now, thank you all...



Space Jockey
MK4 is indeed pretty fun. Never played that one much in the arcade since I fell out of the arcade scene around it's release, but I played the hell out of it on PC and N64.