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Obama Vs. Romney

Who would you choose between the two?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 55 84.6%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 10 15.4%

  • Total voters


Go to hell.
It's good that you vote on the issues that matter:REO.
If birth control gets out lawed though I'm boned. In all seriousness Mitt and Ryans' war on women and gays is the stand out reason I think they are jackasses. I am no fan of Obama, but at least he understands gays are no different and women should have control of their own bodies.

I have no idea why those two concepts are so foreign to those retards.


I didnt realize douches work unpaid for four years as a Governor, and turn around give that money to charity, ALONG with the money he inherited from his father. Theres a reason why there is an age limit to vote. there should be more than just an age limit in my opinion.

What else should be limited aside from age?

P.S. being older doesn't equate to an intelligent or well informed opinion...there are plenty of ignorant people regardless of political affiliation with terrible uninformed opinions on topics, some in their 30's, 40's 50's etc, you get the idea.

If birth control gets out lawed though I'm boned. In all seriousness Mitt and Ryans' war on women and gays is the stand out reason I think they are jackasses. I am no fan of Obama, but at least he understands gays are no different and women should have control of their own bodies.

I have no idea why those two concepts are so foreign to those retards.
I love when you're actually serious lol.


Come On Die Young
I didnt realize douches work unpaid for four years as a Governor, and turn around give that money to charity, ALONG with the money he inherited from his father. Theres a reason why there is an age limit to vote. there should be more than just an age limit in my opinion.
You know what douches DO do? They tell gay veterans their partners shouldn't deserve rights that straight veterans have, they tell an oppressed nation of people that they are where they are because they don't have good economic policy, they tell people looking for jobs to borrow money from their parents to start a business, they pretend that corporations are people, and they say they're not concerned about the very poor.

I'd also like to point out Romney's favorite charity where most of that money goes: the mormon church.
When I go to the voting booth I may just write in 'Jesus Christ'. Seriously, to hell with these two parties. And after seeing what the Republicans did to Ron Paul they can go pound sand for all I care.


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Paid more than the soldiers? Bush and Cheney lied the soldiers into multiple wars, didn't provide them with proper equipment, intelligence or facilities, and Cheyney is probably a billionaire because he most likely has a shit ton of Haliburton stock, among others wrapped up in his blind trust. Paid more? We pay our Blackwater mercenaries, and the Taliban more than we pay our troops. Obama naive? What's naive is receiving the "Bin Laden determined to attack" memo and doing big fat donkeyballs to prepare, resulting in dead Americans, foreigners, the destruction of the towers, a tank in the economy, trillion dollar bogus wars, and less rights for everyone. Can we have grown up discussions?

I know you know we don't actually know what Mittballs has paid, Revolver. He won't show. Oh you put 2010.
This is a Flawless victory. You guys should read this over and over until it sinks in...
Also Revolver serves right-wingers so well that I read the politics posts just to watch it happen.


Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.
-Benito Mussolini

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
What else should be limited aside from age?

P.S. being older doesn't equate to an intelligent or well informed opinion...there are plenty of ignorant people regardless of political affiliation with terrible uninformed opinions on topics, some in their 30's, 40's 50's etc, you get the idea.

I love when you're actually serious lol.
Hence me saying "Among other things, other than age". there should be basic knowledge tests. If you dont know the bill of rights, the 50 states, or other basic United States knowledge, you really shouldnt be allowed to vote. LBSH, how many people would be weeded out if they started implementing tests in order to vote. I am all for it as some people really should not be allowed to vote lol.

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
Sorry, I shouldn't have posted here in the first place. I'm only going by what I heard from my parents. Dumb move on my part.
Thats the problem. People at your age listen to their parents only and go by that word alone and sometimes a parents word is merely opinion. Im not saying dont listen to your parents but it doesnt hurt to research things on your own outside of what your parents say. Trust me, im still not that big of a fan of Mitt but please, research before you speak. It does wonders and it actually makes you a much more intelligent person.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
No matter what anybody says in this thread, the Republicans are almost guaranteed to lose this election. They have done nothing except show us incompetence and an unyielding desire to uphold "traditional" values, including no gay rights support, lower taxes for the rich, and a star spangled commitment to "promoting" democracy in the Middle East. I don't know anybody that supports Romney, but of course I do live in California. As for Obama, I think he has done a decent job but he has been an overall weak president. His own party's support has been somewhat sketchy, which resulted in extended tax breaks and weaker health care. Hopefully he can do more in his second term, but regardless of what he does, he is certainly is going to do more than Romney.


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Thats the problem. People at your age listen to their parents only and go by that word alone and sometimes a parents word is merely opinion.
Everyone's "word" is just an opinion! Not sometimes. Always. Derp Derp...

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
Everyone's "word" is just an opinion! Not sometimes. Always. Derp Derp...
No, Im quite certain its sometimes. When a parent says the Republican Canidate is Mitt Romney and the Democratic Canidate remains Barack Obama, that is fact. It becomes opinion when someone says I think such and such should be the Republican canidate. derp derp.


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
No, Im quite certain its sometimes. When a parent says the Republican Canidate is Mitt Romney and the Democratic Canidate remains Barack Obama, that is fact. It becomes opinion when someone says I think such and such should be the Republican canidate. derp derp.[/quote/
you know what I meant...


i will support obama. i approve of the job he has done, i generally agree with his policies, and i am opposed to romney and the republicans on virtually every stance they have. they are a cancer to this nation, opposed to science, social equality, civil rights, and healing the sick. they would replace the constitution with the book of leviticus and turn our economy into a giant ATM from which to dispense welfare to their corporate overlords. i oppose romney because he:

opposes health care reform. as the career field of my choice, i see first hand the deleterious effects of being the only western nation without some form of tax-supported, government-operated (and therefore publicly controlled) health care apparatus. the system we have is broken. it needs a complete overhaul. obamacare is only an incremental step in the larger overall remedy, but to oppose even this modest improvement is heartless and unethical, not to mention fiscally unwise. administrative costs for america's privately operated health care system hovers at 34%. those for medicare/medicaid? 2%-3%. those figures are consistent with the single-payer health care systems of britain, france, spain, norway, canada, cuba, and every other nation with a socialized system (all are ranked ahead of the US in healthcare by the WHO). plus, obamacare is largely modeled on romney's massachusetts health care system. if it's so bad, i certainly don't want it's author free to impose his bad ideas on a national level!!

approves of the push by many deep-south states to ban teaching evolution in favor of creationism. aside from being asinine, 700 years obsolete, and academically devastating to america, it also violates the tenet of separation of church and state.

supports denying civil rights to LGBT americans. hey, i work, i pay taxes, i'm a citizen. i contribute to this nation. churches refusing to recognize my marriage is fine, but again, we are not a theocracy. while we are on the topic, anyone who believes in magic underwear, or that dark skinned people are tainted but can be made pure and thus become white, or that a husband has a say in whether his wife enters heave (all mormon beliefs) is IMO not smart enough to lead the free world.

believes america should be run like a corporation. fuck that. we already have that, and it doesn't work. a corporation (america) is run by a select few (congress, the executive branch, the supreme court) whose chief concern in creating corporate policies (laws) which maximize profits for the shareholders (corporate campaign sponsors) who hold the true power in the corporation. these policies usually harm the corporation's hourly employees and lower-level management (common workers and small business owners) in order to ensure increased wealth for the shareholders. we need leadership who views the nation as their house, the citizens as their children, and themselves as the parents whose job it is to
1. make sure the home is safe, secure, and in good repair.
2. make sure their children are fed, healthy, and educated, and therefore able to care for themselves.
3. ensure the household spends money on itself wisely and stays within the budget, accruing debt and using credit only for exceptional circumstamces

as for obama, i vehemently oppose his stance of medical marijuana, and of the drug war in general, but i support:

1. the lizzie leadbetter law, which he signed immediately upon assuming office, finally making equal pay for equal work for women official law

2. repealed DADT, finally integrating our armed forces and ending a shameful legacy of institutionalized discrimination.

3. extended unemployment benefits during the worst of the recession, which made the difference between being homeless and not for millions;

4. achieved health care reform and ensuring the vast majority of americans will have access to medical attention. a flawed system, but a definite step in the right direction. bottom line, because of this law, people will live who otherwise would have died due to lack of health care and the $$ needed to obtain it.

5. finally pushed legislation through (the dodd-durbham act) that curtails predatory practices by credit card companies and banks.

6. publicly supports full civil rights for LGBT's.

7. ended the war in iraq, and has slated the afghanistan war to end in 2014.

8. killed osama bin laden in a bold raid which demonstrated leadership and fortitude.

9. prevented the collapse of the US auto industry by taking it over and restoring its profitability and preventing millions of jobs from being lost.

these are reasons enough for me to happily vote for obama and support his re-election campaign.


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Thats the problem. People at your age listen to their parents only and go by that word alone and sometimes a parents word is merely opinion. Im not saying dont listen to your parents but it doesnt hurt to research things on your own outside of what your parents say. Trust me, im still not that big of a fan of Mitt but please, research before you speak. It does wonders and it actually makes you a much more intelligent person.
I guess I just noticed it cause you were supposedly dispensing some real knowledge. I have to say that doing research and becoming more intelligent,well Wow, that's some real Einstein shit right there.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

We gave George Bush 8 years to make this mess, let's give Obama 8 years to try and clean it up. Recovery always takes longer than destruction, and to give him only 4 years is crazy.

Plus, Obama doesn't discriminate against people (gays in particular). Anyone who limits people's freedoms, whether gay or straight, religious or not, black or white, is NOT okay in my books.

Obama has my vote.
Michelle is a great first lady too, I wouldn't stand Mitt's wife lol
JoeJoe and peachyO sum up my thoughts exactly.

This is no time to hold out for an impossibility of reason like Ron Paul.
The GOP is currently very actively doing everything in their power to undermine this election short of fading into total illegality as far as their voter suppression tactics and state/demographic-specific ad campaigns.
I've never been crazy about the "Vote for this guy so the other guy can't steal the show" approach, but if ever there was a time to insure such a thing doesn't happen, now would definitely be that time, guys.
There's nothing shitty Obama can do that Romney won't find a way to do 10 times worse. Nothing.
I support him, but I know a lot of you guys don't, and not without good reason.
But this could get a whole lot worse if the Republicans, in the horrid, dysfunctional, destructive state that their party is in right now, get the White House back.
I don't oppose the GOP as a whole. Some of my best friends are Republican.
But collectively, at this particular moment, they're two shakes short of a cancer to this country.

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
I guess I just noticed it cause you were supposedly dispensing some real knowledge. I have to say that doing research and becoming more intelligent,well Wow, that's some real Einstein shit right there.
Its better than just going off of someones "word".

"Its okay to be ignorant to something, because we all are at times, but refusing to better yourself in things you don't understand makes you stupid." -My Senior Lit teacher. He had a doctorate in Lit btw.


Are you blind? I just listed a litany of things I support about the progress of the obama administration. My admission that I have disagreements with SOME of his policies in NO WAY says that I'm "copping out" and picking the lesser of two evils. Guess what? In a perfect world I would have a gay atheist black biology professor as president, but I'm not gonna get that. But I'm entirely grateful to have a president now that has pushed forward on so many positive issues (some of which I listed in my original post that you blacked out during), and I'm very excited to see the further progress we'll be making in the coming years as long as we keep the right wing out of power.
"I HAVE HUGE ISSUES WITH OBAMA", yeah I guess that was the part I must have blacked out on. Why does the next guy have to be all those things? Why does he have to fit a stereotype rather than be someone that will bring REAL CHANGE to everyone. You shouldn't get so defensive on what is supposed to be a political debate.

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
Why should they have to go off your word?

Check and Mate.
Not once did I ever say someone would have to go off my word. Thats not what this discussion is even about. Why are so many people missing the point and not fully reading posts before replying. It gets old and aggravating. Im not even going to bother responding to that because you obviously havent read the previous posts.