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Nrs Is Listening guys..

Lmao, come on dude. This is the most hilariously bullshit comparison I've heard all week.

You never pulled a junk item in Diablo 3? Because you could say the exact same thing about 99.999% of loot drops in that gmae. "How is this grey/white/blue item progression? How is it making me feel as a player, like I am leveling up and getting stronger?" No. It didn't do shit for you, move on and get the next drop.

I agree with this 100%. You don't need the silly comparisons to make your point.
Wait , you said it’s like an rpg but when I compare it to an RPG you say it’s a silly comparison ...

Diablo has junk loot drops but you are constantly getting loot. You don’t have to play Diablo for an hour to get 3 loot drops. And in the early game especially, where it really counts, you are constantly getting a new weapon or an upgrade that keeps you coming back and makes you feel like you are getting somewhere. After playing this game since Tuesday almost exclusively with Noob Saibot, I have one augment does an extra 9% damage when using one of his specials, the rest are all junk augments that require having a particular character on your team for AI battle or they give you some kind of laughable bonus like gain 3% more hearts if you do a mercy and then brutality.
And we want to play a fucking fighting game.

I want to enjoy playing this fighting game and earn skins on the side. But I, you know. Would like some skins? Maybe I wouldn't even mind the skins. Sorry. Almost forgot.

Want your second fatality and some other shit? YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE KRYPT LOLS HAVE FUN IN THE BOXEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!

Fuck that shit. They deserve all the hate they're getting AS SOON as they put the second fatality in this RNG shithole.
Its simple, you should have easily known what you were getting when you bought it. You dont want to do the krypt, wait for the komplete edition, or dont even do it and grind a couple towers of time to get some skins, you know, play the fighting game. As for the second fatalities, you dont need to unlock them to do them, i imagine its the same for the brutalities as well.

Everybody dismissing this game and throwing a tantrum because they think its garbage and unfinished because they dont want to actually spend the time doing the tasks, is childish. Kombat kasts explained you needed to unlock things by doing different tasks and doing the krypt. If youre upset about your purchase because you werent aware how things worked, thats on you.


Horror Guest Shill
Its simple, you should have easily known what you were getting when you bought it. You dont want to do the krypt, wait for the komplete edition, or dont even do it and grind a couple towers of time to get some skins, you know, play the fighting game. As for the second fatalities, you dont need to unlock them to do them, i imagine its the same for the brutalities as well.

Everybody dismissing this game and throwing a tantrum because they think its garbage and unfinished because they dont want to actually spend the time doing the tasks, is childish. Kombat kasts explained you needed to unlock things by doing different tasks and doing the krypt. If youre upset about your purchase because you werent aware how things worked, thats on you.
Ah yes. I recall specifically when they went over the Krypt on several occasions.

Oh wait. No. They fucking didn't. Because they waited until last minute to say shit because they know if they revealed this with full honesty, they would catch heat. Like they already are now. As they fucking deserve.

Defend them however you want. I don't give a fuck. But what you need to start doing is stop this punk ass demeaning other complaints and negative opinions towards the shit because you wouldn't dare even try to slightly comprehend why people wouldn't like this trash ass mechanic.
Ah yes. I recall specifically when they went over the Krypt on several occasions.

Oh wait. No. They fucking didn't. Because they waited until last minute to say shit because they know if they revealed this with full honesty, they would catch heat. Like they already are now. As they fucking deserve.

Defend them however you want. I don't give a fuck. But what you need to start doing is stop this punk ass demeaning other complaints and negative opinions towards the shit because you wouldn't dare even try to slightly comprehend why people wouldn't like this trash ass mechanic.
My first post was never meant to be insulting or demeaning in any way. Or dismissive. I apologize if it was. I feel ive been insulted numerous times for my opinion on the topic though, so im going to get defensive.

I can see your viewpoint, but i dont agree with it because i see it differently. But again, if youre this dissatisfied with the product you purchased, dont pre order or buy without knowing what youre getting in the future.

Syd Barrett Lives

Italian Psychopath
I can see your viewpoint, but i dont agree with it because i see it differently. But again, if youre this dissatisfied with the product you purchased, dont pre order or buy without knowing what youre getting in the future.

His point is (and I tend to agree with him) that they purposedly refrained from telling how things were because they knew that people would be pissed off. As it happened of course.

When they said stuff like "everything is unlockable just by playing the game" or "no loot boxes whatsoever" they gave fans an idea of the game that's not what the game turned out to be, because if they said "everything is unlockable by spending hours and hours watching the IA grind towers" and "what you get in most cases is random" people would have reacted differently.

Now, as I said many times, I love NRS to death as everyone else here and I believe it was a mistake done in good faith that can be fixed. But I like to tell it how it is, there's no point defending a design they admitted to be bad themselves. It's not being childish, it's not being entitled, it's just I'm tired of all this mtx-loot boxes bullshit in the gaming industry nowadays and finding it even in my favourite series of the last 27 years pisses me off.


lol i find it hilarious how people can defend those methods. but i dont know how much NRS is involved in this BS. but WB seems now just as bad as EA. The greed of those publishers is just unreasonable. guess those managers need another yacht for their garages. hope FIFA 20 / Madden 20 will bomb.
  1. The MK11 situation (grind, unlocking, full game or not, scammy tactics or not) can't be compared with MKX or anything from the past. This is a today's formula, and the first time for MK to follow this formula
  2. NRS are also employees and have to follow directions given from their bosses- WB- Maybe they shouldn't get all the blame. Right?
  3. The whole selling point is about variations and aesthetic customization. I see heavy locked aesthetic content, as well as messed up variations.
  4. Towers are counterproductive, aren't remotely enjoyable for anyone who wants to learn and play high level. Not even enjoyable for casuals who aren't button mashers
  5. Random "customized for you" content in the Krypt, is totally against the MK principles of secrets, unlocking, rumors, word of mouth.
  6. The step from MK9 to MKX is much bigger than the step from MKX to MK11.

MK11 has the best and most fine tuned core gameplay so far. It also has a phenomenal story mode, probably the best til today. Τhese 2, are enough to make it the best MK of all time.

But the whole kustomisation thing, shouldn't happen. Makes the game problematic, with a problematic launch, with the devs receiving hate and shitstorm.

It's Mortal Kombat. One of the 2 fighting game giants, a franchise we all follow since our childhood. It's not an RPG, and it shouldn't follow the cancerous Fortnite trends.


Hardcore gaming poser.
Stellar retort ! Great counter argument ! Thank you for adding to the discussion. It was on point and really pointed out the flaws in my statement ...

But seriously, it’s ok, it’s natural to be angry and lash out when facts get in the way of what you want to believe.

I would rather be a douche who is factually correct than be a sheep who is factually wrong.
Lol, sorry about this man. I had like 8 people at my house and we were going thru my feed drinkin’ and whatnot, our thought at the time was “this dude is complaining about shit that he doesn’t have to buy.” I prolly got 20 messages on here saying the same stuff tho, so please accept my douche-retraction apology.