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Noob Saibot Frame Data


Head Cage
I don't understand how +4 on block is amazing honestly, does this mean I have a guaranteed time to dash and continue pressure with 1,2?
yes but with d3, d4, throw. Or even throwing out a tackle/upknee depending on how your opponent reacts after a blocked upknee

Noob wasn't well thought out at all. lol Look at his garbageass frame data.

NRS: Well, we want him to be a zoner... How do we do that? Make everything negative on block except one move! *facepalm*


"Thanks" button abuser.
Upknee being +4 on block is amazing. It could probably be more if you use it at max distance.

I don't think his Slide was very well thought out at all, it has slower startup and speed, less damage, no block push and is just as unsafe when compared to the Tackle.
It's because NRS did not planify well their patches. I'd say Noob is a mess tbh. Still, their first try. Wait for MK10.


Head Cage
It's because NRS did not planify well their patches. I'd say Noob is a mess tbh. Still, their first try. Wait for MK10.
If only you guys knew how noob played b4 the games release. XD He was fuckin silly!

I just think NRS was afraid to make him rlly goo seeing how amazing he was in all the previous mk games

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
I've been trying to get my brother to play any other character for the reason that you are pretty much always at disadvantage and your resets are pretty easy to get out of/see coming.


Im so mindfucked right now. So you are telling me that if i get hit by that shadow, and both players press up at the same time. Noob would jump after me?
Well it's different with the tackle since it causes knockdown, the disadvantage means the opponent can wake-up attack 4 frames before Noob can do anything.


Head Cage
Well it's different with the tackle since it causes knockdown, the disadvantage means the opponent can wake-up attack 4 frames before Noob can do anything.
This is why I have kept saying ending corner strings in tackle or slide is a RLLLLLLLLY bad idea. I see noob players do it all the time at tournies and get blown up for it.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I've been trying to get my brother to play any other character for the reason that you are pretty much always at disadvantage and your resets are pretty easy to get out of/see coming.
Noob Saibot is still my main (and will always be), regardless of his disadvantages and tough match ups, simply because I love the character. Maybe your bro is the same.


Head Cage
I've been trying to get my brother to play any other character for the reason that you are pretty much always at disadvantage and your resets are pretty easy to get out of/see coming.
Noob is a solid character. There are no BAD characters in mk9. Noobs has 2 minor problems that need to be fixed and even then rest of the cast are either better built than he is or have a lot of dirty shit they can abuse.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
This is why I have kept saying ending corner strings in tackle or slide is a RLLLLLLLLY bad idea. I see noob players do it all the time at tournies and get blown up for it.
Does Kitana get a free wakeup cutter after Noobs big ass corner combo ending in tackle? That is huge lol

D. R.

Does Kitana get a free wakeup cutter after Noobs big ass corner combo ending in tackle? That is huge lol
My corner combos will end in an upknee, uppercut, or reset situation. Don't worry about punishing tackle in the corner. lol :p
So since teleslam is +7 on hit, how can I use it to my advantage? I mean opponent can't roll back but I'm still susceptible to wake ups right?


Head Cage
So since teleslam is +7 on hit, how can I use it to my advantage? I mean opponent can't roll back but I'm still susceptible to wake ups right?
depending on the character. for example Smoke

All of smoke wakeup can be beaten by noobs d4 except for tele punch but smoke hurtbox goes right over noob due to noobs low hitbox during the animation of d4.

Its a great way to get in on certain characters. D4 can also be used on kitana. You catch her with a throw or teleslam get + advantage and d4 her. Cutter and air booty glide go over D4 hitbox.

Charcters that can be stopped by noobs D4 on wakeup/characters that miss noob b/c of D4's hitbox are:

Baraka (avoids spin)
Jade (stuffs wakeups, avoids shadow kick)
Jax (stuffs wakeups, avoids bionic arm. Does not stuff elbow smash all the time)
Kano (stuffs wakeups, avoid upball completely)
Kitana (stuffs wakeups, avoids cutter and air booty glide)
Nightwolf (stuffs wakeups, avoid shoulder bash. Be careful of ex shoulder bash and watch out for hatchet0)
Sektor (stuffs wakeups, i believe flamethrower is the only wakeup that sektor has tht stops d4...more testing needs to be done)
Smoke (stuffs all wakeups, avoids telepunch)
Sheeva (avoids all her armored grabs. Noob recovers quicker)

I made this list in like a min so i know i missed some things Ill have the full list on my guide...whenever tht comes out
Wow thanks that's new info for me!

But wait wait, u mean I can teleslam the hell outta these bastards and be able to get in on them and d4 them and follow up with a string without bein interrupted?!

Also, I noticed after d4, f333 seems to get them often even if it's blocked I end it with shadow up knee and loop the whole thing again! Was playin a lot yesterday and realized I get a free throw after f333 connects since its 7+ on hit I think, but gets them every time!

Thanx hitoshura!


Head Cage
Wow thanks that's new info for me!

But wait wait, u mean I can teleslam the hell outta these bastards and be able to get in on them and d4 them and follow up with a string without bein interrupted?!

Also, I noticed after d4, f333 seems to get them often even if it's blocked I end it with shadow up knee and loop the whole thing again! Was playin a lot yesterday and realized I get a free throw after f333 connects since its 7+ on hit I think, but gets them every time!

Thanx hitoshura!
lol np. If you manage to land a d4 it jails into 212 (seeing how d4 is +10 and 2 starts up in 10 frames). If they block you get the 212 upknee into mixup. if they dont they eat 212 teleslam/charge/slide depending on who you fight.

and yes you can teleslam or throw (b/c its +10) and dash in d4 and suff their wakeups. They will respect this so then u can follow with a wakeup throw b/c they crouch block. After they respect that theyll crouch w/o blocking to avoid a throw so u b2(1)4 [1 is overhead] into charge/slide/teleslam.

This is noobs mixup game...

Noobs rushdown used to be pretty good but now that everyone else has better tools for rushdown his rushdown game has become some alright. So be careful on the d4 abuse. I use it when I knw I can get away with it.
So actually playin offensively with noob is great coz it keeps them guessing from close distance and it becomes harder to react unlike spamming shadows from full screen where they see it comin. Wonder why people say noob is shit, i mean he is not that bad at all.


Head Cage
So actually playin offensively with noob is great coz it keeps them guessing from close distance and it becomes harder to react unlike spamming shadows from full screen where they see it comin. Wonder why people say noob is shit, i mean he is not that bad at all.
noob as a character is bottom 10 imo but bottom 10 isnt bad. Noob is a solid character with 2 minor flaws

1) not enough damage from punishment combo unless u try portal reset which is easy to get out of. Even with the backdash placed after a portal. You end up teleslaming there jump anyway which give u plus advantage but still...like 16% into another 10% isnt punish great damage at all. or even his basic 212 teleslam string is like 20%. He needs to do a bit more damage if he wants to punish well enough

2) His zoning is all tht great. Sure his projectiles come out rlly fast and travel well. They also have great size hitboxs as well....but his recovery is ASS! Noob has 48 frames of recovery on charge and slide. If you wiff one ur in trouble....SO you have to time ur projectiles carefully (which i dnt mind..I like taking my time with zoning)
His projectiles is even if your projectiles hit ur still at a disadvantage unless ur not up in someones face. You will occassionaly see noob saibot players do corner combos and end in tackle or slide for tht extra % of damage. problem is slide is -5 hit and charge is -4...meaning ur opponent wakes up 4 frames b4 u recover due to ur opponent recovering from tackle in 44 frames. So ur left at a disadvantage. Always end corner combos in upknee b/c u go +30 on hit which gives u enough time for corner mixup shenanigans. Why should I be punished for hitting U with MY projectile!?

that doesn't make sense to me?

I think he needs more damage and his projectiles to recover a bit faster. Make then recover in 42 and were left at a +2 advatage on hit. Hell make them +1. You cant get anything off of +1 advantage with noob b/c of his slow normals.

although these seem like huge problems in the long run its not so bad. like I said noob saibot is a solid character. It just other characters in the cast r built better than him or have a lot of dirty shit to abuse.
True hitoshura,

But I humbly disagree on the poor damage, I think his damage is fine, u might ask why?

Two words: portal reset!

I'm not talkin about those from full screen, I'm talkin about b1 2 1 df2, tackle, here is why I think it's his ultimate since I always catch people with it,

Doin this at a close range doesnt give ur opponent the room to think fast like he would if he was full screen, I mean if he tries to jump the tackle will push him in the portal, if he blocked he is a goner also lol, if he rolls back there is a chance he might fall but hey u have a free projectile to throw for some damage, so the only option is wake up attack and gosh I love it! Lol coz I can bait it and punish it ( 2 1 2 teleslam ) so the over all damage will be something around 36% ( counting the b1 2 1 before the wake up )

You could also try another close reset and he won't wake up attack coz he respects that now, if u succeed the damage will be huge, half of their life bar. Great when u think about it, isn't?


Head Cage
True hitoshura,

But I humbly disagree on the poor damage, I think his damage is fine, u might ask why?

Two words: portal reset!

I'm not talkin about those from full screen, I'm talkin about b1 2 1 df2, tackle, here is why I think it's his ultimate since I always catch people with it,

Doin this at a close range doesnt give ur opponent the room to think fast like he would if he was full screen, I mean if he tries to jump the tackle will push him in the portal, if he blocked he is a goner also lol, if he rolls back there is a chance he might fall but hey u have a free projectile to throw for some damage, so the only option is wake up attack and gosh I love it! Lol coz I can bait it and punish it ( 2 1 2 teleslam ) so the over all damage will be something around 36% ( counting the b1 2 1 before the wake up )

You could also try another close reset and he won't wake up attack coz he respects that now, if u succeed the damage will be huge, half of their life bar. Great when u think about it, isn't?
well heres the thing. if portal lands some feet behind the opponent he can just lay there and avoid tackle and the portal...right?


Head Cage
Hmm then the next time I will use b 1 2 1 db2, right?
then tht will land on top of ur opponent but then he can do an invincible wakeup.

thats why i dnt like noobs reset game. His resets r way to easy to escape. once u learn how to get out of them u never get hit by them again.

When I do b1214 portal i add a backdash after portal. This makes the screen to pan into fullscreen so my opponent cant roll out. This forces him to jump or invincible wakeup attack. I wait afterwards and if he jumps i teleslam for advantage and mixup afterwards. If he wakeup attacks and it has invincibility on it i throw a projectile but delay so he gets hit by it after the invincibility or take chip.

overall I think noobs portal reset game is poor due to 79 frame b4 portal enter its active frames. To slow imo. Ill do it once in a while to keep my opponent guessing but in the end they usually jump and I teleslam
Yeah that's what I mean, let it fall on ur opponent ( don't throw tackle ) let him wake up attack, block it and punish with a combo of choice ending with a teleslam for advantage of mix ups and throw, don't u think that's better than far portal and slam? At least u get more damage right