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Noob.Com updated and reset with more clues!

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About that character.. Could it be Raven? I'm only saying this because we still haven't seen that Teen Titans cast video, and there's only two weeks left isn't there?
EDIT: And we need a new female character badly.
DOUBLE EDIT: I hope Killzone sees this.
Everyone keeps talking about this interview but I can't find it. care to link?

Swine of Omnipotence

Lord of Swines
I know right? Dafuq? I'm hyped as hell for Sinestro though and at least we have another female character who looks pretty cool.
EDIT: It's weird how they're keeping her so secret when we've known she's in for months now.
Yeah. I just wish they'd 'yes' or 'no' so I can quit hoping.


They haven't made this easy for fans of any character. Luthor and Cold were seen in the very first goddamned trailer.
Which bothers me a lot.
Conspiracy and guessing-games are nice and all that, but there comes a point where it actually becomes "painful" and we passed that point months ago.
I really wouldn't mind seeing some big ass leaks with everything being revealed, even though it would fuck up their marketing strategy. Right now, they're fucking up us.


Which bothers me a lot.
Conspiracy and guessing-games are nice and all that, but there comes a point where it actually becomes "painful" and we passed that point months ago.
I really wouldn't mind seeing some big ass leaks with everything being revealed, even though it would fuck up their marketing strategy. Right now, they're fucking up us.

Their money > Their fans sanity.


bye felicia
Which bothers me a lot.
Conspiracy and guessing-games are nice and all that, but there comes a point where it actually becomes "painful" and we passed that point months ago.
I really wouldn't mind seeing some big ass leaks with everything being revealed, even though it would fuck up their marketing strategy. Right now, they're fucking up us.
If it mattered, if even a single person was turned off by this practice to the point where they cancelled their preorder they might lend some creedence to it, but we're all still here, day in, day out, begging for scraps and preaching our hopes and desires.

They've known since announcement day that this game was basically going to print money, and they have played it perfectly. Short of a gold back literally falling off a truck and into a Lulsec agents lap, there is literally no leak that could derail this train now.