I didn't say you called me stupid. I said I know what makes a game hard because I'm not stupid. Big difference. MK is easy, that "easy to play hard to master" can pretty much apply to anything and it's a big cop out used for people. A Lot of easy to use BS is in MK9, it requires little execution and has a broken ass character that you can play relatively easily compared to other games.You just further prove my point.. First, no one called you stupid... Secondly your claiming MK is easy and I'm basically saying it's easy to play, hard to master and that I would probably win cause I put the time in to master the game and you think it is easy.. So your response is you play 2 other games im not even talking about that ialso never claimed to be good at, you would bop me in. Did I say anything at all about those games? You could of just said you would bop me in tetris. Your not stupid but I can say that your being ignorant giving your opinion on a game you don't even play compete in. Its like me telling you how mavel is. Yeah I play it by I don't actually go out and compete in it
Also, I've competed at one MK9 event since by the time I joined the community it was practically dead here, and I was doing pretty well considering I hadn't played the game for like 4 months prior to that. It's easy to play, but I love the game. Really fun. Don't get so mad when people say a game is easy.